I'm hunting boars!

After picking up a cheap boar on here I'm converted.
My 404 no longer builds a good lather and my £3 boar out performs it by miles.
I only face lather and I'm looking for a good, cheap and long lasting boar?
Advice please.
Welcome to the boar side! The following are superb; Omega 98, 49 and 102, followed closely by any other omega. Any Semogue brush will also do! Connaught shaving stock an excellent range of Omegas.
pablo85 said:
After picking up a cheap boar on here I'm converted.
My 404 no longer builds a good lather and my £3 boar out performs it by miles.
I only face lather and I'm looking for a good, cheap and long lasting boar?
Advice please.

I love my boars too but the 404 is a fantastic brush, do you want a trade for it Pablo? PM me if so.
Another vote for the Omega 98.

The only criticism I have is that the handle is too light.

The top half snaps off pretty easily so I filled the base with plasticine.

Now it's perfect.
BigBoar said:
Welcome to the boar side! The following are superb; Omega 98, 49 and 102, followed closely by any other omega. Any Semogue brush will also do! Connaught shaving stock an excellent range of Omegas.

the 98 arrived today and will get a run out this afternoon.

Certainly a big 'un.

So thanks to balidey and Big boar.
I have a number of badger and bristle brushes which I regularly use. However, the main brush I use during the week when I have less time to shave is the Omega 49, which whilst cheap, whips up a very fast lather and is fast to apply to face.

Wonderful value for money.
Reevers said:
Semogue 610 is my fav at the moment.

Great backbone, density & soft tips. Plus I love the Semogue Acrylic handles.

My finger's wavering over the checkout button at the minute but what's stopping me is the splay after breaking in. Does the 610 lose any or much backbone after? I really like the handle and I want a blonde boar face latherer.
Gordy I have a 610 and just added the SOC. 610 was a great little brush until I tried the SOC. It's a fantastic brush and imho out performs the Badgers on hard soap and face lathering. I picked it up from Portugal via eBay for £21 delivered. Yesterday I ordered an omega 11126 to see how they compare.
I'm finding it hard to justify ever spending big bucks on a badger when boars are so good.

I have the Semogue 830, which I think is very similar to the 610, (in fact I used the 830 this morning)
At first was very pleased with it and has a great handle. However once broken in it does feel more like a mop and has lost much of its backbone. Is does feel very soft but moppy and it also seems to eat most of my lather.
On the other hand my Omegas are just as soft but have kept their backbone and perform just right.
Fancontroller, I'm having a love affair with the Omega boars because of the backbone yet retaining the softness of badger. All the reviews of Semogue brushes speak of this until they break in. With that in mind I'm looking at the 10065, or the harder to find in the UK, the 13564. I wish the 10049 had a softer loft as that handles a cracker.
Hi Gordy,

The Semogue 610 is among a select few brushes in my rotation that I would replace like-for-like if anything was to happen to it.

Soap-killer, face-massager, bargain-tastic extraordinaire.

The bloom on mine is just right, nice face coverage, while still maintaining density, backbone & focus.
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