I'm gonna say it (Leaf/Twig)

The Leaf/Twig combo knocks spots off virtually every other razor I've ever used. I sold all my razors when I bought these and recently have dipped my toe back into the rabbit Hole due to boredom. The upshot is, I've spenthundreds of pounds I had no need to spend chasing a decent shave. Blutt (Sold ) Timeless ( Going up on BST soon) and Pearl Flexi adjustable also going up for sale.
All the Leaf and Twig need is the understanding of how to use it and a decent slick lather and it'll do the rest. Best razors I've ever bought.
I’ve got a Twig razor, and It’s a great intuitive shave. Very easy to use, the angles basically flat to the face. I’d recommend it it to anyone who wants to try something different to a cartridge razor. It could definitely use it daily, or as my only.

Having said that Wayne, have you ever tried an injector razor?
The shave & shaving angle is essentially the same, but the blade feel is somewhat different, as the blade is much thicker.
Well worth a try. There’s some NOS twinjectors available on The Bay for about £25 delivered. A good way to tip your toes into that area, for a relatively small outlay.
I have. I used a Schick adjustable once and was very impressed but the blades were a tad rough for me. I have heard the Proline blades are supposed to be better than the Chicks, or is it the other way?
Great shout, Wayne. I've gone down this path (rabbit hole) recently too. I have the Leaf Twig and think it's brilliant. It is so easy and enjoyable to use.

However, I've gone a bit mad and acquired a Parker Injector, RR Hawk V2, and NOS Schick adjustable from BST. Will have to report back to TSR on how they compare as SE razors.

The Parker Injector (adjustable) is worth a try, Wayne. It wasn't great for me with the supplied Personna blades but I tried it yesterday with a Chinese Schick blade and it was one of the best shaves I've had in a long time.

The Twig is still the better option though as it can be used with any one of the many DE blades you've already got.
Great shout, Wayne. I've gone down this path (rabbit hole) recently too. I have the Leaf Twig and think it's brilliant. It is so easy and enjoyable to use.

However, I've gone a bit mad and acquired a Parker Injector, RR Hawk V2, and NOS Schick adjustable from BST. Will have to report back to TSR on how they compare as SE razors.

The Parker Injector (adjustable) is worth a try, Wayne. It wasn't great for me with the supplied Personna blades but I tried it yesterday with a Chinese Schick blade and it was one of the best shaves I've had in a long time.

The Twig is still the better option though as it can be used with any one of the many DE blades you've already got.
Exactly the same with me, the Parker adjustable didn't work so well with the Personna blades but was fantastic with the Schick blades, a great razor.

The Leaf/Twig combo knocks spots off virtually every other razor I've ever used. I sold all my razors when I bought these and recently have dipped my toe back into the rabbit Hole due to boredom. The upshot is, I've spenthundreds of pounds I had no need to spend chasing a decent shave. Blutt (Sold ) Timeless ( Going up on BST soon) and Pearl Flexi adjustable also going up for sale.
All the Leaf and Twig need is the understanding of how to use it and a decent slick lather and it'll do the rest. Best razors I've ever bought.
I am made up for you, if you have settled on the perfect set up.
I am still searching and my RAD is as bad as ever.
I am made up for you, if you have settled on the perfect set up.
I am still searching and my RAD is as bad as ever.
You actually cause your own RAD. Think back to your Razors of old. I'll bet you had more than one that shaved you perfectly? That is not a lecture by the way. I have done it and done it again, so I know what it is like. We always think the next one could be the one and of course Forums play a big part in that. It isn't their fault of course, it's the nature of them. We all like to keep up to date with the latest, greatest. We all could have stopped chasing the new a long time ago. Some still enjoy that thrill and so they should.
I'm actually happy that we have great products to buy and keep our interest up.
You actually cause your own RAD. Think back to your Razors of old. I'll bet you had more than one that shaved you perfectly? That is not a lecture by the way. I have done it and done it again, so I know what it is like. We always think the next one could be the one and of course Forums play a big part in that. It isn't their fault of course, it's the nature of them. We all like to keep up to date with the latest, greatest. We all could have stopped chasing the new a long time ago. Some still enjoy that thrill and so they should.
I'm actually happy that we have great products to buy and keep our interest up.
You are 100% correct sir and have no argument at all from me.
That being said this lot are a bunch of bloody enablers and I am so weak, weak I tell you and in such easily led astray lmao.
Do you have a favourite blade setup for the Leaf?
Yes Sir. I only use the bottom two slots which makes it easier to use under the nose, sideways of course, and around the lips. Remember that unlike a DE pressure must be maintained for the spring to contour the head to the face. Not too much pressure but enough to keep contact with the skin.
I di not find it too blade dependant. I've used Feathers, Sharks, Astras. It'll shave well with virtually everything.
Owned both and agree that functionally neither can be faulted.
From an aestethic perspective however (and this is highly subjective) I did not find either to be enticing.
I highly appreciate the level of engineering that went into both, especially The Leaf.
As the OP found they can indeed be the only tools in the box.
I've not used a Leaf. Personally, I'm put off as it does look rather over-engineered. I mean, flip a 1912 open, drop a blade in and off you go; twist a Rocket open, drop a blade in and off you go ...

I have used a Twig and found it highly agreeable. More so ... found it a shave I actually long for. I thoroughly enjoy using it when I do and find the mechanism enjoyable as well as being so well engineered that it is, well ... foolproof. Lovely shaves, too. That, and I enjoy the single edge style of shaving.

Absolutely! Knocks everything else in the half-DE market for six!
I've not used the Leaf but it looks like a really well designed and considered razor for taking DE blades for a demographic who might have some reservations for using them. It looks like a great razor for head shavers too (legs etc too).
I can confirm the leaf is indeed king for head shavers, I use nothing else.
I did find it disappointing for face shaving due to it's large head.
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I can confirm the leaf is indeed king for head shavers, I use nothing else.
I did find it disappointing for face shaving due to it's large head.
That is why you need the Twig too. The Twig picks up all the little bits the Leaf can't get to. They work great together. Try the Twig you won't be disappointed.
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