I had the greatest shave the last time!

Don't get me wrong... I'm not criticising time spent in the bathroom, merely observing signs of obsession. If I have a bath rather than a shower (at weekends, with a good book) and then a shave, I can easily break the two hour mark... only rarely three hours.. A second bathroom or separate loo is helpful, unless you're single :D
Yeah, one hour is long. I totally wasted my time. I thought that I needed better preparation, but I was wrong. Only thing I need is a soap that doesn't dry my face. It's so sticky. Zero slickness. I now get a shave under 10 minutes (prep + shaving), because I noticed that I care too much and then time passes, my soap feels like a rock on my face and the blade cuts the crap out of me. So, it's better to be quick about it.
I remember my first few DE shaves, thinking my face is going to be carved and that if my lather was not perfect my skin would burn. Took around 30 minutes to shave.

These thoughts were redundant especially as others thought the length of time I was spending in the bathroom denoted self pleasuring.

Enjoy your shaves!
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