How to tell a Simpson is pre or post Vulfix

I've just bought a Simpson Chubby 1 Best from
First shave today and realised I didn't soak it in hot water long enough - so try again tomorrow.
Just picked off the silly simpsons sticky label... and it got me wondering, not that I am bothered but how could I tell if it is pre or post the Vulfix takeover?
Hello Guy,

The new Vulfix Simpsons have a real sticker, whereas the old Somerset Simpsons had a decal. Also, on the new specimens, the brush name and size are engraved (engraving filled with black paint). On the original Simpsons, stamped lamp black was used. It used to fade off pretty quickly, while nowadays it is there forever. :cool:

I think Vulfix did a good job on improving the aesthetics, but some people will argue that it is 'unbritish' to want to keep labels and such intact throughout a brush's lifespan.

PS: compliments on the chubby! I have the same brush and dearly love it. Enjoy.
Yeah loose the sticker, I like holding the CH1 like a pipe for added leverage and these dense little chaps can take more than 24 hr's to fully dry.
You removed the sticker :? :shock: :?

Surely the sky will fall in now :lol:

The Vulfix takeover was a right time ago now, surely any Simpson bought now will have been produced post take-over?
Thanks for the comments... I guessed it would surely be a Vulfix model - was just interested.

Yeah, sorry the sticker had to go. Reminded me of this silly craze some of the kids have in keeping the shiny sticker on their baseball caps to show that its new?????
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