How to hold your brush?

I often hold my brush with two fingers adding pressure on the bristle for lathering finer areas, but my current everyday brush has a post bloom width of 80mm :mrgreen:

In regards to gripping around the bristles.... isn't that what setting a correct loft height is for? :lol:
I've found that having the base of the brush sitting on the fleshy part of the palm at the base of my first two fingers gives much better control. Both my Omega and Semogue's have raised ridges that make for a good, balanced grip.

A bit counter-intuitive, but this works best for me. Maybe I'm just weird...
I don't know about counter intuitive, this just seems to be the natural way to hold a brush. Semogue handles are designed to be used this way, surely, whereas Kent seem to intend you to wrap the middle finger round in the groove, which doesn't really work for me.
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