How Many Razors do you own?

Same is true ... with the correct cant (kan-TUH! ... "set" in proper non-US English, but not as funny to say "Check out the set on that") you just follow your thumb - point it where it wants to go and your floppy sword rides home, straight and true.
Aye, got you now. Problem is, the dog just don't see the rabbit these days so I have to take it for a walk by myself.
Edwin Jagger Chatsworth barley chrome
Merkur 25c open comb
Wilkinson Sword Classic
Boots double edge razor

a small washer that I use to fit the Boots DE head to the Merkur handle

and 3 King of Shaves Azor razors which I don't use.
Merkur Progress (long handle)
Gillette long handled Super Adjustable O3 AKA Black Beauty
Gillette Slim Adjustable N1
Wardonia Open Comb
Lord (with Muhle/Jagger style head)
Ever Ready 1912 (UK made)

plus cart razors all now redundant I just hate throwing things away

Gillette Fusion Power
Gillette Fusion Proglide (a freebie)
Gillette Mach3 Power
Gillette Sensor
Wilkinson Sword Quattro Titanium Precision

and finally

Panasonic Wet/Dry ES-RT51 electric razor(my old travel/emergency razor)
Merkur 34C HD
Muhle R89
Gillette Ball End Tech
Merkur 37C Slant - (Not received yet)
Cadet OC Cadet Three Piece Model 44 Short - (Not received yet)
Weber with Bulldog handle - (Not received yet)
Imperial Straight

All Gillette & Wilko Sword cart razors since the Sensor was introduced.