How Many Razors do you own?

Arendal, Norway
Hello Folks,

Was just curious as to how many razors you fine people currently own?
Myself I have 6 DE's and 1 Straight.

1. Merkur 34C HD
2.Merkur 11C Open Comb
3. Muhle R89
4.Gillette 7 O'clock
5. Merkur 1904 Classic
6. Merkur 933 CL Travel
7. Cyril R Salter Ebony Straight.

What about you?
Gillette Sensor
Gillette Mach 3
Gillette Fusion ProGlide
Gillette Blue II (some of)
Gillette Blue II Slalom (not as many)
1 Ikon SB / OC
2 Feather AS-D2
3 Weber Polished
4 Merkur Vision
5 Merkur Futur
6 Merkur Progress standard and long
7 Merkur 34c
8 Merkur 46c
9 EJ DE89
10 Muhle R41 2013

got loads of old Gillettes but cant be bothered with them anymore like the modern stuff better.

I have only recently started shaving with a DE razor, but I am starting to get fairly addicted to looking for new razors and equipment!

I currently have 2 DE razors;

- Merkur 1904 (closed comb)
- Merkur 23c (long handle)

I started out with an Edwin Jagger DE89bl which I received as a gift. However, I dropped while shaving and the head snapped off! I bought the 1904 as a replacement and at first I didn't like the 'short' handle, now I love it 'though.

I also bought a cheap Blue Beard shavette last week to try it out but I didn't have much success, I think it'll be a while before I try again!

Next up is an adjustable; not sure whether to go vintage or try the Merkur Progress. Currently leaning toward vintage...
Only 5 DE's now, I've had the same small group for about a year and a half, gave up on all the trading once other priorities took over.

Merkur 34C HD
Edwin Jagger DE87
Merkur 37 C slant
Muhle R41 2011 model
Matador DE

And a Gillette Sensor (original) plus a drawer full of those plastic disposable triple blade Sensors.
1. EJ89l
2. EJ89 barley
3. EJ barley chatsworth
4. Merkur futur
5. Gillette tech
6. Gillette TTO

Love the EJ razors hence all 3 and wanted a TTO as well as an adjustable I also have a shavette, not worth mentioning its shite
2.Weber DLC
3.Gillette Slim adjustable
4.Gillette Aristocrat #66
5.Gillette Rocket HD
6.Gillette Flaretip
7.Merkur Travel Razor
8.EJ DE86
9.Gillette New
10.Merkur 37c Slant

Have had quite a few others but have sold them on.
Had a few over the last two and a half years. Currently in the rotation are:
Fatboy - nickel and a replated gold
Progress (long handle+ I think)
7 o'clock long comb
Short comb New
Fat Tech (gold and nickel variants)
Rotbart No. 20
Schick I type
Schick M injector
Gillette Contour
Wilkinson Sword FX Diamond
Super Adjustable
Sik Bay plastic razor

Also have but don't use regularly:
Slim Adjustable
PAL Injectomatic
2x Old Type
Copy of an Old type
A mint Alu Tech and a more used one that I can't find
Unknown mini travel razor that looks a bit like a Tech
A plastic handle Tech

Plus probably a couple of others I can't think of.
I dare not even look in the razor drawer, although I suspect that the total is less than it once was, and less than a lot of you :)

Ix Muhle R89
1x Merkur Futur (don't like it or use it really, but looks the dogs)
1x Merkur Progress 3 weeks old and my new favourite
1x Tech ( in case with original blades)

And I not buying any more!
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