How do you sell on 'FaceBook'?

I was gazumped yesterday on BST when the seller told me that he'd already sold the item on FaceBook (even though I responded within minutes of the post).

I'm just curious, how do you 'sell' on FaceBook? Is there a shaving forum bit or something? (I'm not registered on FB and never will as I've always assumed it was for children to share photos of their lunch. In addition to, once registered, FB track your every mouse click, and constant whereabouts on your phone via GPS - if it were a country, it would be deposed! LOL)
I think there are a few Shaving Forums on Facebook, so maybe they advertised it on there. I know there are Mini buy & sell pages, guess its a good way of avoiding ebay fees ?
You can actively advertise and sell items in Facebook Groups now ... people just ping PayPal invoices and job done.

As mentioned above, beats paying the Fleabay fees.
StephenShave said:
fly3k said:
There are a few pages on facebook. Turn the location services off your phone and it won't know where you are, not that it bothers me.

I don't even own a 'smartphone'! LOL My phone is dumb, and we get on just fine...

No chance of it tracking your every move then. Still most things do online now. I visit allbeauty to look at scents then next time I'm on eBay there they are on a banner ad.
I get loads of work and sell lots of razors through facebook, it's like everything I've been a member of many shaving facebook groups and posting for quite sometime the same as Andy AKA ( BraveBlades) so many of the people know me very well and I've done work for them and there's a known working trust, so don't think you can just open an account and there's a queue waiting to buy gear off you because you will be disappointed.
pugh-the-special-one said:
.... so don't think you can just open an account and there's a queue waiting to buy gear off you because you will be disappointed.

No worries, even if I was paid, I wouldn't be opening a FB account!
StephenShave said:
pugh-the-special-one said:
.... so don't think you can just open an account and there's a queue waiting to buy gear off you because you will be disappointed.

No worries, even if I was paid, I wouldn't be opening a FB account!

For whatever reason would you not be opening a FB account ? the shaving groups are similar to shaving forums in fact SOTD and all the other information you get here you get on there plus same moderation I don't know what opinion or experience you have of using FB but all of mine have been very positive.
BraveBlades said:
StephenShave said:
fly3k said:
There are a few pages on facebook. Turn the location services off your phone and it won't know where you are, not that it bothers me.

I don't even own a 'smartphone'! LOL My phone is dumb, and we get on just fine...

On googling FaceBook shaving groups, I only get the one, and I cannot find a 'sales' section?
There is a recent fb group
Thanks for the link Andy, awaiting request to join :)
pugh-the-special-one said:
For whatever reason would you not be opening a FB account ? the shaving groups are similar to shaving forums in fact SOTD and all the other information you get here you get on there plus same moderation I don't know what opinion or experience you have of using FB but all of mine have been very positive.

I'm sure the actual people on it are a delightful bunch, but FB itself is an insidious company. They have had numerous breaches of privacy, and just a few weeks ago, they have had a class lawsuit against them for same.
I really am not one for conspiracy, but I really do believe that soon there will be a massive backlash against this company as users realise the full extent on which they are tracked (internet activity & GPS) completely. If it were a government, there'd be a revolution to reform!
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