Hello Gentlemen!

Some of you may recognize me from a couple of other shaving forums, primarily SMF, where I seem to feel most comfortable. I'm pleased to have found TSR by accident, googling something and clicking a link, and being pleasantly surprised to have found you here!

Aside from Scottish and English ancestors, of course, (the wife is of Irish descent, her paternal great-grandparents who settled in Iowa) one of my favorite English historic characters is represented by his portrait in the avatar (portrait by Remington, I think, may be wrong there). Sir Richard Burton. The signature is from a literary description gleaned from a brief biographical sketch I found, while searching for some reference to shaving associated with Burton.

My father only had one razor, a Tech, and that's what I learned to shave with. My original razor is a Slim from the 2nd qtr of 1965. My memory isn't quite as perfect as I'd like, but I think I bought it at the local drug store when I was assembling my first travel kit in preparation for going on the wheat harvest right out of high school. Now I've got others of course, to go along with it. My most recent purchase, also one of the best in my opinion, is the Futur. The straight razors are mostly vintage, German, Sheffield, and American steel.

I'm looking forward to enjoying some pleasant interaction with you here. Thanks for having me!
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