Hello from Texas



I've been a wetshaver for more years than I want to admit and have been a member of some American shaving boards for about 4 - 5 years. I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge and discovering new wetshaving products.

I use a CobraClassic SE razor (designed for Feather Pro blades), and I have very large rotations of shaving soaps and Simpson's brushes.

Hello and welcome from a namesake!

You might be one of the board's most distant members - have you placed yourself on the map?

I'm a DE shaver, but will occasionally whizz a GEM across my whiskers.

This is a very friendly board, with a core group of members who are very active, easy to get along with and very knowledgable. I've certainly enjoyed it so far!
Whoosh doggies and boy howdy y'all (said in my best Larry Hagman accent),

I've seen you over the years on other forums and this place is worth a serious look. Kind of a different set up here than some other places as far as how TSR is run....pretty amusing actually.

Of course most of these foreigners talk really goofy sometimes and the food they eat.....heheh. Yeah, it's a funny bunch of odd ducks for the most part.

I hope you stick around and post some stuff,

Hi & very welcome Ken. My own Cobra gets an outing on occasion just as a change from the Streamline. (& no Pigcat, there were no double entendres in that last sentence).
Don't pay too much attention to good ole Morton Dingy, he's still working on conversational British.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz::icon_razz:
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