Hello from New York

Hello Bill! It´s nice to see you here aswell and you´re most welcome! Bill is a very nice and modest guy, in the best sense, in my experience. He takes the nicest SOTD:s and he´s very friendly. And no, we´re not engaged :lol:. Welcome Bill!
one of the things i used to drink years ago

ask a young barmaid now and they just stick their jebs out and go 'a what?'

welcome aboard
Thanks so much for the warm welcome... I truly appreciate it!

I'd like to thank my old friends for their kind comments, and thank my new friends for the fine hello's.

hando... Over here, the Guinness goes on top of the Bass, and a rep from Guinness comes around from time to time to teach folks behind the bar how to create an shamrock on the head... a nice finishing touch! Alas, I confine myself to distilled spirits these days because of occasional attacks of gout.

Mikael... Thanks for the kind words, but I struggle with artistic pursuits everyday!

sj184... I have not used any eShave products to date, but I'm always open to new products.

Fido... Please put one of the new 2211's on the side for me... I'm anxious to get hold of a New Forest!

JohnnyO... Don't write me off yet... There may be a Red Setter (like an Irish Setter only different) in my future!

Thanks once again to all!
i think there was 2 versions in my old home town

normal and sweet, which we all drank
Pint glass half filled with heavy, we preffered Belhaven
and a bottle of Sweatheart Stout
you kept topping up the glass as you wanted to

Damian Murphy said:
Calling somebody a "blackntan" or just a 'tan' is quite an insult round these parts. Did'nt know it had bad connotations in the UK as well.

Yes, that's why I wanted to explain things fully up front. If it's a problem for anyone, or anyone finds it offensive, I can change it.

Some of the things these boys call each other i think your name is quite safe. When i seen it all i thought was have not seen sweetheart stout for a while.
pedro083 said:
... all i thought was have not seen sweetheart stout for a while.

I certainly have, but it just means there's more of her to love.
  • :hungrig [/list:u]
      • >.>
        If a certain woman reads this, I might need to try the "well obviously, somebody hacked into my computer" story.
          • ...and hope it works better than all of those other times![/list:u]
                • :? [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

Ooops! hope I have'nt made you uncomfortable. No problems here , BlacknTan :lol: