Hello from Leeds

Afternoon Folks,

Been lurking for a couple of days and thought it would be rude not to introduce myself.

Up until a few weeks ago i was completely taken in by the marketing 'boys' and was a big fan of multi-blade razors - the more blades the better . .or so i thought.

After a bit of research on the tinterweb decided that single blade shaving - 'like wot my grandad used' was the way forward and that would hopefully sort out the ingrown hair problems that i have had for quite some time.

Ended up buying the Merkur Saftey Razor, badger brush and some of Taylor's shaving cream and i am loving the experience. Shaving used to be a painful chore and one that i would try and avoid. This has all changed and i really enjoy shaving these days - ingrown hair problem is improving and although it takes a few minutes longer to shave the results are much better - a lot smoother and its kinda fun trying the different shaving creams that are out there.

Look forward to reading, and contributing, to the forum to learn more about single blade shaving.

Welcome to the forum
Hi mate. Welcome. Don't forget to ask questions if you are having dramas, there is a lot of knowledge amongst the users here and all are willing to lend some advice where needed. (Not to mention a portion of good humoured mickey-taking.... :D )
Welcome Tringo, the Yorkshire contingent continues to grow. There's a tobacconist on the Headrow which sells a lot of Taylor of Old Bond Street stuff if you fancy trying some of their software; I think it's opposite what used to be the Odeon.
Thanks for welcome guys . . . .i am only about 2 weeks into this DE shaving malarky still having good days and bad days although my technique is getting better .. i think i need to spend more time on the prep work rather than diving into the main event - something the wife often reminds me ;)

Arrowhead - i popped into the shop in Leeds you mentioned yesterday afternoon (Greens of Leeds) and picked up some more Tim Taylors shave cream after standing there like a lemon smelling about half a dozen different pots.

Also ordered a blade sampler pack from Connaught . .when i bought my Merkur HD it came bundled with some Derby blades and i also picked up some Merkur blades from eBay . .not so keen on the Derby's and prefer the Merkur which according to Mantic59 were a decent blade . .looking forward to trying the new lot mind . . .
You didn't happen to notice if they were selling those Artamis brushes, did you? I keep meaning to get a look at those just out of curiosity. I'm less interested in the £17.95 straight razors though.
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