Hello from Hull, East Yorkshire

Thursday April 1, 2010

I'm Mick from Hull. I'm 36 years old and have recently started wet shaving with DE razors. I previously used Mach 3's and the like and thoroughly hated shaving and suffered constantly with razor burn and ingrown hairs and other shaving related issued.

Right now I'm using an Edwin Jagger EJ89L with Derby Extra blades. I started with a Parker 89R but it was too rough on my face and tended to leave me with a lot of razor burn.

Being a month into the world of DE shaving, I'm understandably still learning lots about prep, technique and after-care but I'm loving shaving now and feel that the 30 minutes or so shaving each day is very relaxing and allows me to wind down so much better.

I'm also a member over at B&B but have joined here as well for a more UK-centric view on the shaving world.

Hello Mick, are you really a trawlerman? Hope so, but no matter if not.

How did you find us? Google?

Anyway, welcome aboard.
Alright Mick.
Trawlerman said:
I'm Mick from Hull. I'm 36 years old and have recently started wet shaving with DE razors. I previously used Mach 3's and the like and thoroughly hated shaving and suffered constantly with razor burn and ingrown hairs and other shaving related issued.
Being a month into the world of DE shaving, I'm understandably still learning lots about prep, technique and after-care but I'm loving shaving now and feel that the 30 minutes or so shaving each day is very relaxing and allows me to wind down so much better.
That's so much like my own story. Except my name's Dave.
Welcome Mick,

I can just see the Yorkshire members setting up their own social group,

...now where did I get that idea?
Rev-O said:
Hello Mick, are you really a trawlerman? Hope so, but no matter if not.
How did you find us? Google?
Anyway, welcome aboard.

Sadly, no I'm not a Trawlerman but I did work on deep-sea trawlers in my younger days. These days my interest in fishing vessels is more concentrated on collecting photos and memorabilia. I have over 10,000 images of trawlers plus more books and videos, nautical charts and stuff than I care to admit :lol:

I found this site via a link from Neil Miller's site <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.strop-shop.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.strop-shop.co.uk</a><!-- w -->
I think I already said that I am a member of B&B but wanted to join here as well so that I could get a more UK-centric view of the shaving world and the products that are commonly available here. Not only that but the B/S/T stuff will be so much easier to deal with here :roll:
Andy said:
Good to have you here Mick. Have you shaved in rough seas yet?

Not much chance of that nowadays Andy. It's been 6 years since I last set foot on a Trawler.
This was the last one went on and then only on a semi-pleasure trip taking her round the country on a SEAFISH exhibition

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