Hello from Edinburgh.

Friday April 16, 2010
Hi guys,

I've always had a rotten time shaving, starting with the old Wilkinson Sword Protector (naked razor blades were a scary thing at 15!) and then with various forms of the Mach 3 family. I put it down to sensitive skin but, having done a bit of research, it looks as though it might have been the tools rather than the tradesman this time...

My shaving woes got so bad that I actually grew a beard a couple of years ago. Limit the area of skin to shave, limit the discomfort. The reason I've been nosing around the forum is that I'm keen to take off the whiskers and enter a new age of shaving comfort. I'll be starting slowly. I've just become a father and apparently I will confuse my baby son no end if I suddenly change my appearance drastically. So, to begin with, I'll be easing myself in to DE shaving by tidying up my throat and the edges of my beard. In a couple of months, once the little fellah can recognise more than just my smell and outline, the whole thing will come off - I can't wait!

I'm using the cheapo Boots own brand DE razor at the moment but have got my eye on something shinier and more German. I like the look of the Muhle R89, which seems to be well regarded for newcomers. If my last shave was anything to go by, though, I need a bit more practice before trading up!

I look forward to chatting with you all.
Hi there, yoou'll find the muhle a much better razor.

Btw i have a question, do they still have that bear outside that pizza bar on the cobbled road smack bang in the middle of edinburgh i think most of the clubs were there, odd question i know but i was there a few years back and loved it.

Welcome to the forum btw.
Welcome Largo...I appreciate the cautious approach concerning your son but I'm not sure tickling around the edges will really help your technique, the neck line can be a difficult area and your new son will soon recognise the new look.

Either wait till you're ready to make the full jump or just do it.
Hi Largo!
Welcome to a most wonderful site. Lots of good info and really nice guys! I´m a noobie here too. Dig in a let the party begin :hungrig
Welcome to TSR, Largo! :D

What a wonderful and exciting new life awaits you. So much to discover and try. Your emotions will rocket up and down but the long-term sense of satisfaction you will have (plus the feeling of finally becoming a true man) will be your overriding pleasure. :p

Of course I'm talking about Fatherhood, but proper shaving comes pretty close!

PS I've heard that little babies get most information about their Dads from their scent. Personally I would rather my baby son had a soft cheek to nuzzle against than a scratchy old beard. Just go easy on the aftershave so that he can smell the real you!
Welcome, Largo, and congratulations on becoming a father.

I'm new to DE shaving, and it has been a total revelation since I started. The guys on here have provided a lot of useful advice, so you've definitely come to the right place. Just take your time to have a good look through the forum, especially the 'Shaving Help' section, and all will go smoothly.
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