Hello fellow shaving chums!


Feels a little strange having only one post ( :eek: ) having been a member of several watch fora for years, but anyway, I'm just checking in from sunny Oldham.

Got turned on to proper shaving via a post on a non-shaving related forum about straight shaving, so thought I'd toss the plastic BIC's and shave oil in the garbage and get back to having a proper shave again. Nothing to lose and much to gain...

Sadly, I'm not brave enough to go down the straight razor path just yet, so I've been using Wilkinson Sword DE razor, soap and blades for the past month as these are cheap and readily available on any UK high street. Have to say that they give me a pretty close and comfortable shave for not much outlay. The main unexpected benefit though, is just how much shaving is no longer a chore to be despised. Can't be bad!

So, now it's time to up the ante. After much research I got myself a Merkur 34C HD (10/10 on all counts), some Tabac soap (takes me back, I was amazed this is still around having been given the AS by aunties as a Xmas present too long ago to mention - and I love the scent so much that I have to have a whiff of it every time I'm in the bathroom!) and a pack of Feathers (yes, I know, but blades are supposed to be sharp, right?). The Feathers are underwhelming I have to say, requiring more passes than I'd imagined and don't do a very good job ATG. Suprisingly, the Wilkinson's were better for this. Still, a blade sample pack is on its way, so plenty more to try.

Again after almost driving myself bananas reading about shaving brushes, I plumped for a Semogue 2015HD Silvertip. Everything about this brush oozes quality and I especially like the shape and look of the Portuguese Oak handle. It all counts towards a great shaving experience, right? Anyway, it arrived yesterday, (it has a faint but nice musty smell - mothballs?) but have yet to try it in battle. Tonight's the night...

Not that I'm parochial or anything, but it's great to find a UK based shaving forum and I'm looking forward to contributing!



Have you tried a Gillette 'Swede'? For some reason, this is the only blade I can go ATG with.

Tabac...mmmm. Glorious stuff.
Great to have you on board. I started off with the Merkur 34C and it's a hell of a shaver. Surprised you're struggling with the Feathers, I think they're universally recognised as the sharpest blades around. But then, everyone's face is different. Have fun and wander through these pages...

SpydieNut said:
welcome aboard

it sounds like you followed the same link on tz-uk that i did. i'm forever grateful to the OP for that link.

happy shaving :shave

Well, fancy meeting you here! BTW I'm not following you around - just getting into this great shaving malarkey. Yes, I'm grateful to the OP too. Great minds and all that, eh?

Anyway, do post a reply and let me know how your shaving education is shaping up! Found any preferred tackle?
hi baz - nice to 'meet' you - and oldham's not a million miles from altrincham :)

i've only been wet shaves for the last month, but like my Merkur 38C (red handle) very much. i'm using red personna blades, TOBS avocado cream and a medium EJ best badger in faux ivory. for afters i've got prorasso AS splash.

i think it's all great stuff and i've got a few samples of AS, colognes and creams from connaughtshaving (great service) and i'm really enjoying my shaves.

all the best
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