Hello Brothers of the Blade

West Yorkshire
Hello Brothers of the Blade....Just saying hello from Yorkshire...

I've been shaving with steel for around fifty years now..I started out with double edged razors...had a very brief flirtation with my Grandfathers old Straight/cut throat...which frankly frightened me half to death...not only that but I managed to shave off all the soap and not touch a single whisker...clever eh..

I used Gillette sensor excel and canned glop for many years....but fairly recently have come back to double edged shaving..fed up with paying the extortionate and ever rising cost of cartridges....So having made the jump ,I now really enjoy the warm water soap and shaving brush ritual every morning...instead of it being the chore it used to be...

Equipment.......Finest Badger brush
Merkur 38c Barbers pole
Merkur Futur...shiny chrome one
Muhle R41...which I'm trying to get to like,as its a beautiful and beautifully made razor....but its vicious
Feather Blades....my favourite so far

Shaving creams are so far....TOB Jermyn street
Trumpers Violet
Nanny's Silly Soap Co...Rose Geranium

Thats about it folks....
Hello & very welcome Blade Brother. I'm happily using a single edge now, however your Muhle 41 OC was the first DE I've seen for a while which tempted me. Other OCs I've tried raise welts on my easily provoked skin, so I was wondering if the "safety bar" below the 41's combs might allow me to get away with the open comb.
Enjoy your trip back to the wet community.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Welcome Goldcrest. It looks like you've been working the DE side of the street long enough to amass quite a bit of kit, or was it uncontrolled shaving equipment ascquisition disorder over a few weeks :-D
7 days ago I'd intended to have only 3 bits of shaving equipment in the bathroom myself, now I'm looking at stealing another shelf off the wife ;-)
Thank you for the warm welcome Blade brothers....I find my return to DE shaving rather strange.. In the fact that its more of a hobby than a something one has to do everyday...sometimes annoying, when you get a new piece of kit, be it a new soap or blades or whatever...and you only get to use them once a day......But always enjoyable.......And to think I used to hate shaving..Ho Ho
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