Hello All

cromulent said:
Gingerpose said:
Hello, Good Evening and Welcome, Cromulent (love that username:icon_razz:)

Us youngsters (ahem) look forward to your input :icon_biggrin:

Whereabouts in Bonnie Scotland are you?

Hi Gingerpose,

After 30 years or so scraping my face with a naked blade I hope I've learnt a few things along the way - even if it is simply learning how not to shed any blood whilst leaving my face smooth enough not to rip shreds out my girlfriend of the moment.

I live in a wee town called Cromarty on the Black Isle. I'm not from there - its simply where I've ended up.

Edit: I see you are from/or in Balmedie ... that's just a wee bit north of Aberdeen isn't it ?



Yup, halfway between Aberdeen and Ellon. I used to drive through over the Black isle regularly for work - glorious countryside, I envy you! (not in the winter though, you can keep it)
cromulent said:
I live in a wee town called Cromarty on the Black Isle. I'm not from there - its simply where I've ended up.

Lovely part of the country. Ive got lots of relatives in Avoch which isn't too far from you;)
regards, beejay
Gingerpose said:
Yup, halfway between Aberdeen and Ellon. I used to drive through over the Black isle regularly for work - glorious countryside, I envy you! (not in the winter though, you can keep it)

Isn't the Black Isle so called because when it snows there it doesn't lie?
Boab said:
Gingerpose said:
Yup, halfway between Aberdeen and Ellon. I used to drive through over the Black isle regularly for work - glorious countryside, I envy you! (not in the winter though, you can keep it)

Isn't the Black Isle so called because when it snows there it doesn't lie?

The exact origin is unknown. Some think it is the areas connection with witchcraft and the black arts in mediaeval times, to the more prosaic, that the soil here is very black, or that it has so many trees that it looks black when viewed from surrounding areas in winter.

From experience I can safely say that snow definitely lies, though with the proximity to the sea it doesn't hang around for long.
Slick said:
How have you kept to the same kit for so long!!!

Sorry Tim, I missed this question.

I've kind of stuck with the same kit mainly because it works really well.
I've tried various things over the years - different razors, soaps, balms etc., but have almost always returned to what I liked best. Maybe its because I'm so familiar with it that makes me return to it.
However, this forum, along with the variety available on the internet, has broadened the outlook somewhat and I'm now in the process of spending considerable amounts of money on razors and soaps in particular - along with other accoutrements.
Apart from a Gillette Slim, that has now become my razor of choice, and Mitchells Woolfat - I still like the kit I have always used and I doubt I'll ever stray too far from it. That won't stop me from continuing to experiment though.
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