Hello ALL


This is the first online shaving forum I have joined except various G+ shaving communities. I don't make video's etc , I just tend to dip in and out of forums for advice and recommendations as of yet. I'm looking forward to all the benefits being a member of a forum like this should bring.
I'd be interested in getting involved in the UK pass around of the HTGAM G+ community, an administrator mentioned if I joined TSR and talked to Ben Laidler I could get in on this. If anyone has any advice regarding this or how to get in touch with Ben Laidler that would be great. Thanks Guys
This intro post seems remarkably similar:

Ben88 seems to have been the original point of contact, I don't think they've been active since 2016.

Possibly a complete coincidence, only reason I looked was this new member contacted me with an email address regarding my post for a CG Handle. Not making accusations, merely an observation.