Heljestrand Faux Frameback

I love the look of the faux frameback razors, the grind on them is beautifully done.

This one is a Heljestrand just over 5/8" in custom made 'light ' horn. The guy I buy horn from has 4 categories of white, light, brown and black - this is one of the very nice examples of better quality material - he still sells a lot for spectacle frames. I bet they look great.

Greetings Rob,

They really are lovely, it's the translucent nature of them that really makes them, I would guess the darker ones would be opaque and if so nowhere near as nice.

Nice razor as well (not that I know much about them other than what I read on here) what is a barbers notch in a straight razor all about? It surely can't be for opening and closing, or can it, I can't see how it could help.

Norfolkdick said:
Nice razor as well (not that I know much about them other than what I read on here) what is a barbers notch in a straight razor all about? It surely can't be for opening and closing, or can it, I can't see how it could help.

Good question Dick - and one I don't have an answer for. There are various theories but none of them are really convincing. I don't think it's anything to do with opening because the notch is generally hidden when closed.
UKRob said:
Norfolkdick said:
Nice razor as well (not that I know much about them other than what I read on here) what is a barbers notch in a straight razor all about? It surely can't be for opening and closing, or can it, I can't see how it could help.

Good question Dick - and one I don't have an answer for. There are various theories but none of them are really convincing. I don't think it's anything to do with opening because the notch is generally hidden when closed.

The reason I read was that it was to aid the barber around the nose area? But, like you, I thought this was nonsense! Anyway, it is a lovely job, none the less.

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