Hard or soft water?

New Forest, England.
I've just returned from a trip where I have been using very soft water. And I'm glad to be back to my hard water. In fact, I live in a very hard water area. I know the differences between the two types of water:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water-education/quality-water-hard.htm">http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water- ... r-hard.htm</a><!-- m -->

For washing and shaving I much prefer hard water. I just don't like the feeling that you haven't quite rinsed off the residue of soap - it seems like a tiny film of it remains on your skin. Some say that lather is better with soft water. I don't find there is much difference.

Any other opinions about the relative merits of hard and soft water? Not just for shaving.
Soft water in the Scottish Borders. As Tony said I require very little soap to make a lather which means my soaps last forever hence the fact I sell / trade them. I find the film Peter refers to being left on the face is quite moisturising and with some soaps namely Provence Sante it means I don't need to use a balm.
Another vote for soft down here in Devon. Means even a novice like me can whip a lather out of MWF. :shave

And when I sold my car the bloke who bought it came from Peterborough. Made him a cup of tea and he went into raptures about how much better it tasted with soft water.

Hard water at my folks in Sheffield though so a proper shaving test will happen when I go back in July.
While I agree about the feeling of soapyness after coming out of the shower, I got used to it. Besides, the reduction of lime and scale buildup was more than worth it.

For shaving, I prefer filtered water. I have an RO system, but the pitcher works too.
Tall_Paul said:
Another vote for soft down here in Devon. Means even a novice like me can whip a lather out of MWF. :shave

And when I sold my car the bloke who bought it came from Peterborough. Made him a cup of tea and he went into raptures about how much better it tasted with soft water.

Hard water at my folks in Sheffield though so a proper shaving test will happen when I go back in July.

Peterborough was another place I lived. I was destined to have to get used to hard water!
I just use natural spring water, bottled at source, then warmed over a naturally sourced wood burning appliance to blood temperature. It's a tip I got from my mate Vinny !

JohnnyO. \ ;)
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