Guinness Zero

It's a skank but it's market forces. Booze is a prime target for tax. But supposing you decide its better for you to skip the alcohol, but you still fancy a beer, then all of a sudden you have to pay a premium to the manufacturer for your healthy or socially responsible choice, none of which is alcohol tax. If you're driving and have to keep off the alcohol, it's pretty galling to have to pay even more for a soft drink yet whenever the price of beer is questioned, its always blamed on the tax element. I guess we just have to be grateful that there are actually now palatable alternatives when booze is off the cards but a pint of something refreshing is needed, compared to years ago. There is only so much lime and soda or 'Pepsi from a shower hose' you can stomach. I guess the brewery pockets what would otherwise have been tax.
Old thread.

Brewhouse and kitchen have a near zero beer and is lush. Happily drink that and drive home which I've done. Its on tap on wall behind bar if you have a Brewhouse.

The best alcohol free (actually low)
Samuel Smith 'Sam's Brown Ale' Review - Low-Alcohol (0.5%) Beer
That's is so nice I drink it even when I hit the town and don't drive.

Guinness zero is very nice though but I can only find it in morrisons?
