Guess the razor....

My plan for the new year to stay couple of months with each razor did not work so well. First razor (Muhle Rocca) was too aggressive for me as a daily driver and then moved over to Yaqi 70SB which at the other end of the spectrum, was too mild. So that had to go. Also life has been very busy lately and did not have so much time to be around here so the Rockwell 6S (the red one ) was my tool of choice in the interim.
However now I am introducing another razor.
As I have been doing with the other two, I'll give you the opportunity to guess what razor it is.
I don't think this will be a difficult one and first one to see the 'imprint' will no doubt shout the correct answer.

Muhle R89 (or whichever one has a hexagonal handle), I think.
A DE86 octagonal? DE87 & DE89 come in octagonal form too. I love my plain, simple yet highly effective DE86. It has a mort of understated class.