Guess the razor....

Guess who has never owned a copy of Waits. Or Krumholtz for that matter either. I know, shocking, right?

I knew myself well enough to know if I ever owned either, I would spend every waking second trying to collect razors, and not live a good and full life.

I'll bow out now and let those who do own such things track down your riddle.

Starts with D and still ends with Y @PLANofMAN ... if you were this old, you might be pushing them up!
So I guess I've not lived a good and full life.......

Nice @pjgh Mine only had the date 1911 and no name so until I had seen it in the book I never knew the name and manufacturer. Next up......

Edit to add todays shave with it...

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Just to clarify, yes, it's a slant razor, and yes, it started off life that way. In hindsight, I should of posted up one of my Gillette Tech Slants as a mystery razor.
How about a Country of Manufacturer ? Not seeing much and being robbed of my quality of a good and full life here I'm guessing NOT US......German, Spanish, French or Russian ?

Ibsen ??
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How about a Country of Manufacturer ? Not seeing much and being robbed of my quality of a good and full life here I'm guessing NOT US......German, Spanish, French or Russian ?

Ibsen ??
It was manufactured in France, but named after a city in Spain.

Edit: to clarify, the manufacturer was named after a city in Spain, the razor just got the typical French habit of an assigned number. I'll call it a win if you guess the manufacturer.
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