Grosvenor 404 shedding

I'm not the biggest brush guy in the world and purchased this popular brush about a year ago upon recommendation of more knowledgeable members. It shed a few hairs at first as is usual, however, it really hasn't stopped and I believe is getting worse to the point that the shed hairs are interfering with the shave. I shaved this afternoon and counted 11 loose hairs. I believe it is looking a bit Rooneyish!
I know this isn't the most expensive brush in the world, have any brethern encountered this problem with this particular brush?
PS I only have one other brush and that is absolutely fine.
I wouldn't bother trying to send it back after after all this time. According to the sale of goods act any complaint should really be made within a reasonable time period i.e less than 6 months. There's also the matter of expectation, should you really expect a sub £10 brush to last any longer? It's a vigorously used natural product that's equally prone to wear and tear. Debatable.

Buy yourself a new one or ask Beejay to re-knot it, it's a nice handle and it still represents excellent value from Diamond Edge even after only a years use.
I'd get beejay to re knot it if I was you.

A nice 2 band knot would be lovely in that handle.

Infact I'd but that handle just to re knot it!
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