Green Cult Steel Razor

Mr. Big, the owner of the Emporium, (as well as chief cook & bottle washer) accepts no charity!!! He is a self made man who carved an empire out of nothing!! NOTHING I tell you!! Before he brought mercantilism to wet shavedom we were merely wandering in the wilderness!! It was he who gave us hope, purpose & meaning!! (y);)

Star Wars Disney Plus GIF by Disney+
Mr. Big, the owner of the Emporium, (as well as chief cook & bottle washer) accepts no charity!!! He is a self made man who carved an empire out of nothing!! NOTHING I tell you!! Before he brought mercantilism to wet shavedom we were merely wandering in the wilderness!! It was he who gave us hope, purpose & meaning!! (y);)
And there's me thinking I misheard when you called him a cult....:whistle:
Wow! I have a new mildly aggressive razor on the Den and after one shave I’m impressed. Yes it’s definitely less refined than my old Blackbird but once the angle is right it’s arguably as smooth and efficient! That fresh, very close shave feel I got from the Blackbird is back, a little stinging from the Alum but in a good way. Could have had a very good DFS at 2 passes, BBS in places but went for the third and was pleasantly surprised. At £40 it’s a massive winner for me! Yes the handle does slide a little but it will be easily replaced, that the only minor negative I have and that’s being picky, it’s well made just not well designed. The easiest solution to the handle would be to add the same knurling pattern down the length of the handle. It would then be excellent, it’s not bad knurling it’s just if you’ve got sloppy hand it can slide. That or make it a barber pole twist handle with again the same depths and width of machining. It could obviously be shorter but I actually don’t mind a long handle. It’s a very minor point though as the more I reflect on it the better I think it is especially as a first effort.

Today the new base plates (prototypes) of the Greencult safety razor were allowed to show what they can do.

For better understanding:
O = The original head
L = Higher gap than the original (aggressive)
M = About like the original (medium-mild/aggressive)
S= Lower gap than the original. (Mild)

Base plate changes: no more through holes. As a result, the base plate is smooth. Gap and exposure have been adjusted.
The foam channels are now continuous, no more bridge.

Since it is a prototype, only the L, M and S were lasered. The end product will of course be labeled more beautifully and of course it will be optically enhanced.

Exact dates of the gaps and the exposure will be communicated.

Plate L and plate S with a feather were used today.

As always, the shaving soap was allowed to soften on the face for 3-4 minutes. Right half of face was shaved with S-plate.
Left half of face was shaved with L-plate.

The S plate is noticeably milder. It glided wonderfully through the whiskers.

Although milder, it was already clear after the first run that the S plate is very thorough. It's a noticeable difference to the original record and of course the L record.

Against the grain, the S plate proved to be excellent. No tugging, no rattling, nothing. I would say that the S-platter really shows what it can do against the grain. Perfect, soft and very comfortable on the skin. I had no problems with my upper lip.


The L plate feels much more direct with the line.

Here, too, the first round was very good, almost BBS, at least on the cheeks and neck.

Against the grain, especially on the upper lip, the L-plate bitched a little. She picked something. Here it was important to change the angle (almost 90 degrees) and keep the shaving cream more liquid.

But with a water shave it got better. (Clean up)

But I was shaved tip-top here too. After, as I said, a water shave and a little cleaning, I was completely BBS.

All in all, I would prefer the S plate, since it worked a bit softer, at least for me. But I have to say that my whiskers are quite thin and not too hard.

After a cold face wash, the after-shave was allowed on the skin. I could burn neither left nor right. Actually, I would have expected a burn on the left side, but as I said, nothing.

With the 3 new records, Greencult actually has the right product for everyone (coming soon).

Very clear purchase recommendation.

If you already have the Greencult, you can soon get a more suitable plate separately, depending on your needs. I don't know when that will be yet.

If you don't have a Greencult yet, you should wait until all 3 records are available.

The head is also new. You need a new head and a base of your choice. Sorry, my mistake, I misread that.

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For anyone also waiting, I asked Valerie for an update on the new baseplates and this was the reply:

Currently our production company is on summer break and we could not finish everything before on time, so the release will be delayed. We will contact you asap once the release date is set! Thanks for your patience. Valerie
New Greencult safety razor GC2.0

Perhaps one or the other has noticed how quiet a handful of people have become when it comes to the SotD.

Well, it was because we were allowed to test the prototypes of the new Greencult VERSION 2 with 4 base plates from fairschenkt.

Now it's done

New grip, great lookout, 4 plates from mild to aggressive.
Glass bead blasted finish, integrated plastic pane as scratch protection.
100% made in Austria, stainless steel 303, which comes 100% from Europe.

From today he's online

Price: from 99 euros

There's a one-time sale for launch weekend to cheer up those who've been waiting! -15% with the code WIRFEIERN15





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New Greencult safety razor GC2.0

Perhaps one or the other has noticed how quiet a handful of people have become when it comes to the SotD.

Well, it was because we were allowed to test the prototypes of the new Greencult VERSION 2 with 4 base plates from fairschenkt.

Now it's done

New grip, great lookout, 4 plates from mild to aggressive.
Glass bead blasted finish, integrated plastic pane as scratch protection.
100% made in Austria, stainless steel 303, which comes 100% from Europe.

From today he's online

Price: from 99 euros

There's a one-time sale for launch weekend to cheer up those who've been waiting! -15% with the code WIRFEIERN15



View attachment 94456View attachment 94457
Looks great but thats a significant price jump on the original's 40 euros. 99 is ok but its just for 1 head it's another 39 euros for each head so if you got them all its more than a Rockwell 6s, which is a shame. It looks great though.
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