Good Technique - How will I know when I have it/What is it?

My goal when entering the world of DE shaving was BBS, and still is. I was getting acceptably smooth shaves from my electric razor but that wasn't enough for me. In an uneducated fashion I ventured into cartridges and using canned goo, I often found the smoothness I wanted but it came with a few negative aspects I wasn't thrilled with, discomfort while shaving and soreness/irritation after. Following the advice given, I'm happy with the comfort and closeness of my latest shaves and look forward to further improvement as my technique improves

So, for me, it's all BS without the BBS.

I hope the last line will be taken as a humourous play on your words, while summerising my goal, and nothing else.
Going against the great advice recieved, I've had two shaves with a different razor and blade, which didn't go great.

I will be going back to R6S - R2, Astras, Cube, T3, TOBS Lavender, Alum and balm.
I did revert back to using the R6S - R2, Astras, Cube, T3, TOBS Lavender, Alum and balm for today's shave but adjusted my technique using advice received in another thread.

My understanding this far, is that good technique is:
Learning to hold the razor at the correct angle while applying the least amount of pressure, to enable efficient hair removal and eliminate sore skin.

By reducing the amount of pressure to where I could barely feel the razor, I found I was listening to the sound of the hairs being cut which in turn led to a closer shave, including the left side of my neck, an area I had previously struggled with.

Edit to correct spelling.
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You shouldn't rely on audible feedback...
when you dont know how you actually hold the razor, THAT is when the good shaves happen. none of this "ride the top cap" or "ride the safety bar as the patent says too". But when you look at the facial hair, judge the length, consider the facial skin in texture and moisture content, lather up, and just shave.