I grew up using Pears soap. Unfortunately that has been bastardise er reformulated beyond all recognition.
I still use glycerin soap, for the last few years I have been ordering in bulk from Droyts. Prior to that I picked the own brand from Waitrose, also manufactured by Droyts. I also add a pack when possible when ordering from European cosmetics websites too..
Are you a Glycerin soap fan? I will do a comparison of the following:

Droyts large and small bar, Droyts Vegetas and Waitrose Glycerin.

Lida, Ach Brito Glyce, and Heno de Pravia...
I still use glycerin soap, for the last few years I have been ordering in bulk from Droyts. Prior to that I picked the own brand from Waitrose, also manufactured by Droyts. I also add a pack when possible when ordering from European cosmetics websites too..
Are you a Glycerin soap fan? I will do a comparison of the following:

Droyts large and small bar, Droyts Vegetas and Waitrose Glycerin.

Lida, Ach Brito Glyce, and Heno de Pravia...
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