getting to grips with the straight

Cambs UK
today i managed my first full shave with my straight razor (thanks UKRob).
i have been following some advice to do parts of the face with the straight and increase as days go on.
Today i managed to do the full face (even the tricky parts) including the chin, my scar which sits between my chin and my lip(always been a bugger to shave).
now compared to last week where i decided i was going to do everything (3 passes) with the straight, i opted to see what i could manage with 2 passes.
I'm sad to say the outcome was not great, 3 cuts (one on the classic under nose position) and a shave that I can only describe as less than passable.
Any tips would be appreciated! :-/
By increasing the amount of passes you increase the risk.
Just keep working on a 1 pass shave until you get an acceptable shave then move onto the more difficult cross grain & against the grain passes.
It took me at least 6 months of daily straight shaving before I was getting stress free acceptable shaves, it's a steep learning curve that requires patience and determination.
You need a light touch, with nimble fingers, it comes with experience and that experience is not learn't in a few weeks.

But the rewards are Ladies worshiping you as a God, fellow Men remark "what a nutter" whilst secretly holding an admiration of your courage & skill ;)

Good luck, it's worth it in the end :)
I feel somewhat pleased with myself this morning - an almost acceptable 1 pass shave, just need to figure out the best route to get the underside of my chin a little closer. I could have walked out the house with this mornings efforts (but I resorted to DE to get my chin that little bit closer shaven) To top all that off, my skin is not irritated at all and not a cut in sight!

I think that picking up the straight daily is definitely improving things. I also took considerably longer stropping after my last shave, so the edge may have been a lot better also.

So today I'm feeling somewhat proud.
(tomorrow will probably be a different story lol)
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