Getting there...

Well, just over two weeks of DE shaving and definitely making progress. The last week has been a bit of a learning curve, I was getting inconsistent results ,ie, part of face felt BBS others a bit rough. After a bit of research and experimentation I realised that I wasn't being consistent with the angle I held the razor. Now got that sorted

However, correcting blade angle so that it actually cut hairs resulted in numerous weepers on neck area . On research and reflection I realised likely culprit was too much pressure on the blade (although I felt I wasn't applying any pressure). So, today got correct blade angle and no pressure - RESULT! Managed closest shave yet with no weepers or irritation.

Just felt the need to share...
Well done. We all still get a little complacent sometimes... well okay, I do.
I sometimes apply a bit too much pressure, the odd tiny nick is a good reminder to get back to the very basics.
Canuck said:
Well done. We all still get a little complacent sometimes... well okay, I do.
I sometimes apply a bit too much pressure, the odd tiny nick is a good reminder to get back to the very basics.

Got my angle a bit steep today and have some razor burn to prove it - it happens to the best of us.