Gem Single Edge Blades- am I up to it ?


Kent UK
Assured by other members-these are blades for Ever Ready 1912, and Natural Angle
of 50`s.which i got on Monday.
WOW-ordered Blades on Monday, standard Mail- HERE TODAY.

Now have Razor + Blade !!. Will have to give it a go, but may put it back till i get back
from holiday. Something to look forward to !. Lots of encouragement from Members.

Just Started to trial at Feather F11 Geo,so maybe enough excitement for this week.
mpf9ret said:
Assured by other members-these are blades for Ever Ready 1912, and Natural Angle
of 50`s.which i got on Monday.
WOW-ordered Blades on Monday, standard Mail- HERE TODAY.

Now have Razor + Blade !!. Will have to give it a go, but may put it back till i get back
from holiday. Something to look forward to !. Lots of encouragement from Members.

Just Started to trial at Feather F11 Geo,so maybe enough excitement for this week.
They are good blades. As with all things sharp start with a light touch and you'll be fine... the aural feedback will blow your mind... like a knife across dry toast.

Good luck

Could not resist temptation, encouraged by members. Tried Ever Ready Natural Angle razor.aided by Futur.

Prep as usual. Cleared round nose/lip with Futur.

Then with caution used Ever Ready on cheeks, it does sing. and they felt good.then tried Neck with and against .
Having done enough for a first time go[no nicks etc].finished chin and final polish with the Futur.

Will use again,and work up to Full shave with this,and then try the 1912.
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