Gas & Electricity Outage Risk - DIY Indoor Heaters

With Electricity and Gas prices skyrocketing and gas reserves in Europe at an all time low - because of a cold winter in Northern Europe last year, followed by a relatively windless summer necessitating the use of already low gas reserves and our reliance on the spot market for gas purchases rather than long-term contracts as before - there maybe an increased risk of a power outage this winter (almost 40% of the UK electricity generation is from gas). Germany has started running adverts on how to make a flower pot heater. Anyone got any good tips, especially if you do not have an open fireplace or wood burner?

If you dump the flowerpot and just burn a candle you'll get exactly the same amount of heat - ie next to nothing. Your own body has a greater heat output (about 100W at rest v 70W for the candle).

Also, candle smoke can be an irritant if it builds up in the room. Modern, double-glazed houses don't have many draughts to disperse it.

Easiest way to keep warm is to put more clothes on. If that doesn't work add some blankets or a duvet.
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