Froch v Groves II

Friday July 10, 2009
Okay fight fans the more I see him the more I'm warming to the young Groves.

The king is dead, long live the king!?
Cocky in my opinion. He looked shell shocked in the head to head sit down with Jonny Nelson. He couldn't/wouldn't answer questions. It was like Froch was chastising a gobby child!
What counts is inside them ropes not all the nasty verbal shite outside :mad: The verbals haven't been amusing since "the rumble in the jungle", that's why people for action turned to UFC.
Oh course he's cocky, he really unnerved Froch by his antics first time round who expected to be treated with more reverence but I haven't seen enough this time to see if he might have succeeded again.

Going to Craven Cottage to watch Italy v Ireland this evening so will have to keep the radio off and watch a recording when I get in.
antdad said:
Oh course he's cocky, he really unnerved Froch by his antics first time round who expected to be treated with more reverence but I haven't seen enough this time to see if he might have succeeded again.

Going to Craven Cottage to watch Italy v Ireland this evening so will have to keep the radio off and watch a recording when I get in.

If you get chance have a watch
I agree... I think Groves had way more awkward silences when Froch totally bamboozled him with some of this replies... "so by saying that it means you do it all the time, cos you say you don't do it, when in fact you do do it, but you just said you don't do it, even though you know you do it and you did it last week even though you said you didn't do it, you did do it" sorta thing.

It's a bit Vicki Pollard in places.. 'yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but'.

Groves really wanted to wind him up about the sports psychologist but knew he'd insult a shit load of other sports people who use one.

20:37 -> 20:58.. brilliant!
I enjoy listening to these fights on the radio. Radio 5 Live mention a start of their programme at 9pm. The fight probably won't start before 10.30pm.

As to the winner, I hope it's Froch and I think his power of endurance will see see him home again. But I'm not putting any money on it.
I enjoyed the first fight, was behind Groves from the off and was disgusted by the decision.
I think Froch will stop Groves tonight late on, if Groves can't put him down early like last time.

Froch was shocked in the last one when he went down and Groves fought a Froch-like opponent for the remainder.
If Groves can't put him down again, I think he'll struggle to outclass the real Carl Froch.
cheesepiece said:
I enjoyed the first fight, was behind Groves from the off and was disgusted by the decision.
I think Froch will stop Groves tonight late on, if Groves can't put him down early like last time.

Froch was shocked in the last one when he went down and Groves fought a Froch-like opponent for the remainder.
If Groves can't put him down again, I think he'll struggle to outclass the real Carl Froch.

I'm of the firm belief that if the first one hadn't been stopped, young Groves could've got hurt badly. Froch hits like an express train.
If anyone wants to watch it online...

There is 2 ads you have to get rid of, the first, click on the little "X" to the right of the big yellow exclamation mark
The second add has a little "X" centre near the top of the little media screen, click on that and click play on the main media window.
Looking forwards to this - Radio Five for me as I don't have Sky, but I'm not unhappy as I think boxing suits radio commentary. I like both boxers (Groves came to my attention properly when he beat James deGale) but Froch is my favourite. I also think that he goes in as marginal favourite - he can't be caught out twice, can he? Wouldn't put any money on it though, I think it's a very tight call.
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