Floid Confusion

I'm thinking of getting some Floid and I would prefer the true original version, but I'm not sure which one that is ... Seems to be two 'Genuines' available. Is it a test of some sort? :s

If I get a big old bottle is it worth getting the bulb sprayer or is that a step too far?

To me, Floid Vigaroso is the 'proper' original version.

It is well worth getting the big bottle and decanting some into a sprayer as the opening in the bottle is quite large and requires a deft touch to deposit just the right amount of aftershave for use.
Ok, I got the blue floid "Floid Blue" in the big bottle. Its very nice and highly recommended.
with the orange ones, in smaller bottle; there is vigorosso and suave. Both vigoroso and suave smells exactly the same but vigorosso has more menthol and smell lasts only 1hour max, suave has much less menthol but smell would last much longer.
Try gemstone shaving on e-bay, he has great deals on floids and explanations.

I would describe Blue floid smell like; Aqua Velva type smell. very nice and refreshing. if you like blue floid smell then there is Edt rhat smell lasts hours.
Orange floid smells very similar to pashana aftershave, smells spicy and sweet
More confusion, or not depends on which way you look at it. There's Spanish and Italian Floid, I've tried the Italian Genuine Floid, the amber stuff in the big bottle [nice feel on the skin, quite powdery in scent] but not the blue Italian Floid nor the Spanish. Are they the same product, not sure as the Spanish comes in different strengths. They've also changed the labels on the Italian Floid bottles and now they look similar to the Spanish Floid Labels.
As far as I am aware, (and please correct me if I'm wrong), the following Floïd products are those currently available:

Floïd The Genuine Aftershave 400ml
Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso Aftershave 400ml
Floïd Blue Aftershave 400ml

Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso Aftershave 150ml
Floïd Mentolado Suave Aftershave 150ml
Floïd Black (new, modern and masculine) Aftershave 150ml

Floïd Blue Eau de Toilette 150ml

The 400ml bottles are presumably made for barbers, so come unboxed. The 150ml bottles are boxed.

I have not personally tried the Genuine, so I would be interested to know how it compares to the others. I really can't tell much difference between the Vigoroso and the Suave, the Vigoroso possibly having more menthol, and initially a tad more 'aggressive'.

The Blue is very cooling and soothing, but without the obvious menthol hit of the Vigoroso or Suave, and the Eau de Toilette is absolutely top notch, in my view.

The Black is a bit too subtle for me, but certainly has it's fans.

The 150ml Vigoroso is widely available in Spain, sold in most supermarkets. The Suave and Black are a bit harder to find, generally found in Department stores or 'Perfumerías', though some large hypermarkets stock them too. The Blue seems to be increasingly scarce.
I have the vigorosa, and cant say the menthol hit is that much different from any of my other menthol aftershaves, still very nice moisturizing AS though and nice scent.
I got the Floïd Black AS because I didn't want any menthol. At first I didn't like the scent much but strangely I've found I like it more I use it. Now I'm addicted and it's one of my top AS. Feels great, subtle scent and soothing. I just wish they didn't have such a big hole in the top that you have to half-cover with your thumb.
zig zag said:
More confusion, or not depends on which way you look at it. There's Spanish and Italian Floid, I've tried the Italian Genuine Floid, the amber stuff in the big bottle [nice feel on the skin, quite powdery in scent] but not the blue Italian Floid nor the Spanish. Are they the same product, not sure as the Spanish comes in different strengths. They've also changed the labels on the Italian Floid bottles and now they look similar to the Spanish Floid Labels.

Like you, I've always been confused between Spanish and Italian - it seems that the Amber and Blue are Italian - but I may be hopelessly wrong here.
UKRob said:
zig zag said:
More confusion, or not depends on which way you look at it. There's Spanish and Italian Floid, I've tried the Italian Genuine Floid, the amber stuff in the big bottle [nice feel on the skin, quite powdery in scent] but not the blue Italian Floid nor the Spanish. Are they the same product, not sure as the Spanish comes in different strengths. They've also changed the labels on the Italian Floid bottles and now they look similar to the Spanish Floid Labels.

Like you, I've always been confused between Spanish and Italian - it seems that the Amber and Blue are Italian - but I may be hopelessly wrong here.

I believe that the Amber, ie the 400ml Genuine, is Italian.

Strangely, the 400ml Blue Aftershave seems to be Italian, but the 150ml Blue Eau de Toilette is Spanish.
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