First shave with an iKon OSS

Dipesh said:
I would say come back to it once you have mastered your technique.

I was getting BBS shaves with the feather and it if was to shave every day, it would have been ok but I like to give my skin a rest so shave every 2 days. With the feather I was just looking a little scruffy.

The upside to it was that my shaves were super comfortable.

Tried the IKON OSS this weekend with Gillette Silver Blues and proraso sensitive. Where the razor is so mild I made the schoolboy error of pressing too hard. Ended up with monster razor burn but a very smooth face.
I tried again with the Gilletes and with a softer touch and the same result. 3rd try was with a feather and although no irritation whatsoever, I have found that there are patches I had to go over and over. I'm not convinced this is technique as with my EJ, slim adjustable or Cobra there is no need for extra passes.
I wander if the high price point makes you persevere with the razor when others do a better job for better value.
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