First shave completed

Well just finished my 1st real shave and have to say it was quite enjoyable.

I shaved this morning using the fusion as in work and was to scared to try, so had the shave tonight, not much stubble to go at but still ok.

I found the vulvix 404 quite prickly but again never used a brush before, the palmolive cream i found is quite nice and easy to lather on the face, i decided to use the derby blade in my 34c as recommended for a 1st timer and did 2 passes quite slowly.

I finished by splashing cold water on my face and then rubbed the alum block over, cleaned all my kit for a few minutes then rinsed the alum off, finished by applying nivea revitalising balm.

I presume i have used the alum correctly? as my face felt like nothing like it has before, it was really dry.

I only had 1 small dot of blood so really chuffed.

Just waiting so see if i get any burn and looking forward to tomorrow night to have another go.
Blyth Spirit said:
Great stuff Jonty...that's the beginning of the end for your bank balance though.


Yea I know what you mean although I have sold 2 bottles of cologne this week so I have £45 in the slush fund.
Great stuff Jontymo

Personally I don't rinse off the alum but many do there isn't a right or wrong as far as I'm concerned, more importantly you want to do what works for you.
Cheers guys

My mission is to learn the correct techniques before spending anymore money £70 so far!!!

The only thing is i quite fancy a few more creams and another brush and etc etc etc lol
Looks like you did well! As has been said, don't get to confident and lose concentration, as things can (and still do, some days) go wrong.

It might be worth trying a shave without the alum, but if you're getting on with it okay, then it's "as you were".

Well done on your first DE shave. It does get easy, but you may go backwards a few times, especially if you start to get over confident, or use a duff blade.

As Jeltz, I also don't rinse of the alum. One of the chaps at Trumpers just told me to rub it on, let your face air dry, then apply skin food/moisteriser etc.
Strong work Jonty.

Along with the other good advice you have been given, pay attention to the cutting action of the next two shaves as the blade may come to its end. You will easily tell as it will start "tugging". Some food for thought maybe to warm water rinse & then apply the alum, wash it off with a cold water rinse.
Welcome to the downward spiral of getting "just one more" soap / cream / razor / brush / AS / ASB....... :lol:

With the Alum, i think it would be worth trying leaving it on, and comparing how your face feels with how it feels after you have rinsed it off. I think this does differ from person to person - for me, it can sometimes make my face feel too tight if i leave it on. But then, i also know some gents prefer that feeling. Experimentation is key!

Also, don't worry if you buy something and don't like it...a quick trip to the BST here will see you recoup most of your losses :lol:

Nice work - it feels much better than a Fusion doesn't it?

I'm quite new to DE shaving too, and my contribution would be to suggest that experimenting with different creams/soaps, aftsershaves, blades etc would be a good idea. My first DE shave felt fantastic. I used a Merkur 34C razor with the free Merkur blade supplied with it. However, I then used a Derby blade, and it felt even better. It was the same for the aftershaves too. I used Taylor's Sandalwood A/S first and liked it, but then DR Harris aftershave took it to a new level.

Paul at Connaught offers a fantastic Sample service. Once you can spare a bit more cash for buying DE stuff, it may be an idea to look at sample packs. It gives you a chance to experiment without spending a lot on something you end up disliking. He also sells blade sample packs, so that you can try several brands out. There's a sticky on the Aftershave/Cologne forum on here about the service.

Happy shaving
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