First se razor on way help!

Preston, UK
Hi I have been using a DE razor for 12month and loved it now that got damaged (another story!) and I have bought an ever ready se razor looking for a good guide to using these as I believe they are different to use than DE please forgive my ignorance on this I just want help before I use it and rip my face apart :s
Keep the blade door flat to your face & then drop the handle slightly until you can feel - actually hear - the blade cutting hair. Take your time & enjoy.
Just what Fozz said. If you've ever used a modern disposable head razor then the SE will probably seem more natural to you than your DE was when you started off. Light pressure, just let the razor do the work as it glides with the grain with that incredible rasping sound as it restores your bristly wee face to its original pristine beauty & smoothness.

If you can manage a DE then an SE is even more user friendly for most of us. Only must do is to ensure that the blade is bedded in evenly on the razor head. Almost only time I managed to draw blood was when I inadvertently achieved the feat of having the blade edge slanty in the razor. Not an error I hope to repeat in this lifetime.

Enjoy the SE experience & let us know how it works out.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Woodacre1983 said:
Help is needed. Please see post below for painful results of fist se shave.

1st piece of advice - stop shaving for at least three days.
2nd piece of advice - do not on any account put a single edge blade against your skin until you learn what angle means.
3rd piece of advice - whilst you are recovering from this trauma - read lots of history on this and other web sites about the art of preparation - its just as important as the blade.
4th piece of advice - stop posting circular references - it's really annoying.

Other than that I wish you a speedy recovery,

Hi rob
From what I have read previously and all my previous shaves my preparation is good. And I agree I need to learn about the right angle for the blade hence I am asking in here for help. Lastly I was not aware about not posting a link to another post I will not do it again. And for you information ATM SE's are the only razor I have. Once again sorry to annoy everyone I will continue my learning and asking my questions in a more friendly environment.
If it's not a silly suggestion I'd try checking the blade is located correctly in the shaving head. I'm saying this because the photo of the damage looks EXACTLY like what I managed to inflict on my cheek with one pass. That does look to me like an awful lot of damage to achieve if the razor is set up correctly, specially since you were approaching your 1st SE shave with a bit of caution.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
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