Finally made it!

For some reason, I wasn't getting the activation link sent to my e mail. Changed to a different e mail and address and it got sent immediately, so now I can post.

OK, I recently made the decision to start looking into safety razors based on cost. I have used since my teenage years some form of cartridge based razor - most recently a Gillette Fusion and prior to that various Mach3.

I got my Merkur 38C on August 6th (I know this because I was at a wedding that day and had just had a shave at a barbers for the first time ever and the razor had been delivered whilst I was out). It came with a pack of 5 Wilkinson Sword blades and I have had a very basic synthetic Men-U brush for a year or two now. The only soap I had was again a cheap basic Wilkinson Sword soap.

As I say, my decision to get more into DE shaving was to save money on blades as I was finding the Fusion blades increasingly hard to justify on a per unit basis.

However, I am always intrigued by new things and looking into different blades and subsequently different soaps, creams and accessories is really getting me into it and looking forward to my shaves.

I'm writing today because I felt I had a real good shave today. I'm off work today, so I could afford the time and I received two packages in the post today - firstly a pack of Gillette 7 o'clock Yellow blades and secondly a tub of Taylors of Old Bond Street Lemon and Lime shaving cream. Oh, yesterday I got a wooden bowl too.

Armed with this new equipment and having found the odd YouTube video linked from this forum, I worked up a great lather with the TOBS cream and with a brand new blade shaved with the grain and across the grain.

It feels great even now, several hours later. I didn't use any aftershave or moisturiser afterwards because I loved the smell left by the TOBS Lemon/Lime - I can still smell it now.

Am I wrong to do this or should I use something?

I'm quite excited by all this now. I have a 'wish list' of soaps and creams already just from reading around the subject. I also want to invest in a higher quality of brush in the long term and I still plan on trying out a few different blades, even though I was really pleased with the Gillette 7 o'clock Yellows.

Any suggestions are welcomed on blades, soaps, creams, aftershaves and brushes!
Welcome! As I see it, the only thing in your current setup that you ought to consider changing in the short term is the brush. A Vulfix 404 mixed badger/boar brush is a popular one, or a Semogue boar (I have the 1305). Other than that, take a few weeks to develop and improve your technique before you start dabbling; ideally a couple or three months. Then, you could consider a blade sample pack from Connaught Shaving (Paul then owner is a member here), in order to determine which blades suit your face. If you start trying them too soon, or if you buy loads of soaps and creams, your technique will most probably be too inconsistent to develop any real idea of what works for you and what doesn't.
Hi & very welcome. Just do whatever feels good & suita you in regards to pre and after shave "stuff". Some use a mild astringent like witch hazel, some have a fave splash or balm, in my youth a very light dusting of talcum powder was popular.
Only suggestion I'd make for sometime in the future is to give a glycerine shaving soap a try. They're different and you may find they suit your skin.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I really like the yellow blades.
I use prof blightys yellow unction too.
I like gold razors.
Crikey I can see a theme emerging.
I find the unction to be just great. And while I'm a b****r fir changing razors that us pretty much one of my constants.
Tobs is great eh!
Hi and welcome to TSR! :D A soap or cream can give enough protection and if the skin feels fine (not to dry or to oily) it's a hit :D I love the scent some soaps give too, some can linger for over ½ a day.
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