Figaro Soap

Saturday June 25, 2011
I ordered a Figaro shaving soap, has anyone used or using this soap? How is it? I used to have Fitness for Man soap which has strong almond smell, is it similar to that? or Cella?
I like Italian soft soaps and I think they are great performer, Figaro being the cheapest among them made me wonder if it is the Arko shaving stick(so to speak in terms of being cheap and producing great lather) of the Italian shaving?
It's not bad stuff. Almond scent, lathers well, bit on the oily side, decent performer. I think it offers decent bang for the buck.
I have the Figaro. I don't find it too oily, in fact I happily lather it with MWF having used Coral Skin Food as a pre-shave - now that's a smooth, moisturising shave! Excellent value for money IMO.
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