Figaro P.160

Hi All,

A friend has recently found a wholesaler in Naples Italy with a stash of the original Figaro P.160 in 500g block. As I have been reading shaving forums recently and understanding that this is a very sought after product, I have asked him to buy 8kg (16 blocks) and bring it to London in March when is due for a visit.
Just to be absolutely clear, as there are some confusing version on the net, this is the very original FIGARO p.160 produced by Elebrel Italiana. Elberel Italiana was acquired in 2004 by Biochimica S.p.A. and renamed Nuova Elberel They also reformulated their shaving soaps, replacing the tallow with vegetable substitutes for all their retail sizes and slightly reformulating the P.160 with additional addictives and having the name "Figaro" removed from the professional 1kg pack, which was then produced until 2009 and discontinued.
The stock I sourced is the original retail/professional pack 500g, with the following formulation: Aqua, Stearic Acid, Tallow, Cocos nucifera, Potassium Hydroxide,Sodium Hydroxide, Parfum, Potassium Carbonate, Tetrasodium EDTA
This is a vintage item but apparently it was renowned for its storing and lasting qualities so should still be very usable today.
I would like to gather if there was people interested as If there is a lot of interest, I will buy all the residual stock and ship it either directly from Italy (costly) or getting some to London every so often and ship it from here. Also any feedback on the option of portioning it in 125g slices to make it possible to ship it within the UK at minimal cost.
As final clarification, the current retail pack Figaro produced by Biochimica S.p.A as well as the Fitness e Monplaisir version are all vegetable base/ no tallow.
Many thanks, I will let you know as soon as the first batch get to me. As for completing the info above, the Figaro brand was bought by MilMil76 in 1997 from Elberel, and it could have been then That the retail pack (red tub) may have changed formulation, as there are suggestion that the cream was still produced by Elberel for MilMil76 whilst all other products with the Figaro brand (deodorants, shaving foams, etc) are produced directly by MilMil76
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