Fido's Plissons

New Forest, England.
I'll be adding these to my shaving brush blog and posting reviews there together with links to other reviews when I find them.


They are European Grey 20mm knot - inc shipping £102
Pure 22mm £77
High Mountain 20mm £199

I bought these because I wanted to include in my collection and blog, examples of brushes of all the famous makers and brands.

I wouldn't pay these prices for brushes of this quality in a million years for any other reason. They are a real eye opener. The brushes look superb. But even before using them they lost a few hairs as I ran my hand through them. Just feeling them along side several of my other brushes I don't think the brush hairs are any better than several much lower priced rivals. They do have a distinctive logo, but even that is a stick on which I understand doesn't last long with regular use without applying stuff like nail varnish to protect it. I am sure they will create great lather and feel good on my face. But I can say that about nearly all my brushes.

But for all that, hats off to Plisson. It shows the power of a name and good marketing and slick presentation of a corporate logo. That's what sells things to a lot of people. But serious shaving enthusiasts should leave this stuff to collectors. They'll get much better value elsewhere.

Perhaps I'll be kinder when I have used the Grey and High Mountain. I've used the pure - it's well overpriced in relation to it's performance.

I'll post my blog review as soon as I can. Have a few others to do first.
Limited edition no less <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... %201808%22</a><!-- m -->
Hawkeye5 said:
I hope I'm wrong, but you may find the HMW much the same as Simpson Super.

The European Gray is very skritchy, if you like that in a brush. I found the loft a bit much for face lathering.


I bought these to include in my shaving brush blog to ensure I have examples of each type of brush on the market from all the well known makers/brands. My three Plissons are not in the same league as Simpsons in terms of density and versatility. But they certainly look good in a collection.
Fido,if I tell you that Vie Long(spanish brush maker) and Plisson shares the same badger hair distributor and use the same kind of hair in thire brushes but Vie Long are half of the price(or even more) than a Plisson would you believe me?I hope that you can add a Vie Long finest badger (HWM for Plisson) to your collection and if you cant find one let me know and Ill try to get it for you as Im in Spain right now.
Teiste said:
Fido,if I tell you that Vie Long(spanish brush maker) and Plisson shares the same badger hair distributor and use the same kind of hair in thire brushes but Vie Long are half of the price(or even more) than a Plisson would you believe me?I hope that you can add a Vie Long finest badger (HWM for Plisson) to your collection and if you cant find one let me know and Ill try to get it for you as Im in Spain right now.

Thanks Tieste

There's lots of connections in the shaving brush business! Thanks for the offer. I'll check them out myself on my next visit to Spain.
I always wanted to try a Plission. Will be very interested in your reviews Fido!

When your reviews are complete - what will you do with all those brushes?
jhclare said:
I always wanted to try a Plission. Will be very interested in your reviews Fido!

When your reviews are complete - what will you do with all those brushes?

Use my favourites and keep the rest as a collection. Like my bells,they will pass on one day.
I have now added these reviews to my blog. While they look great, the Pure and European Grey are both too prickly for my liking and crazily overpriced. So is the High White Mountain but at least it is exceptionally luxurious and an outstanding latherer. Well worth trying if you are prepared to spend the money - but if you simply don't do soft and floppy - steer clear.

Pure <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://fidosshavingbrushblog.blogspot.c ... -pure.html</a><!-- m -->

European Grey <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://fidosshavingbrushblog.blogspot.c ... -grey.html</a><!-- m -->

High Mountain White <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://fidosshavingbrushblog.blogspot.c ... ntain.html</a><!-- m -->
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