Fido's bargain Finest Badger

i'll copy and paste this from the review i posted in the for sale thread:

well i was the lucky person who got this brush:

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.... used it for the first time tonight.

I was interested to compare it to the 2201, given they should be similar grades of badger. But truth be told, the two brushes are as different as chalk and cheese. This brush for a start is far larger than a 2201. once used and worked in a bit, it opens up to a huge size. Its far more reminiscent of my Crabtree & Evelyn / Edwin Jagger, super badger brush. In fact it feels almost identical to that. see pic (excuse the slightly damp 2201, it gets used EVERY day)


Its very very soft, almost silvertip soft at the top, i can barely feel it working on my face, no pricklyness, no scrubbing, just a very soft brush that spreads out to a large size. IMHO its on the very frontier of what i'd call acceptable for face lathering. Its perhaps more suited to a bowl due to its sheer size and softness.

Super luxury feel to it. I do prefer the 2201 overall, as i like to face lather and i like something with a bit of backbone. But this brush makes an excellent weekend treat for a bit of luxury. Tonight i used TOBS avocado cream, and a fingertip sized dod in the brush was enough for 4 generous passes of thick and slick lather.

A good brush, if a tiny bit larger and softer than expected. Rather than becoming a travel brush as expected, it'll probably be something for the weekend as a treat to my face.
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