Fever Tree Tonic Water

After all the praise I had to try it. To my surprise one of the local stores does have it. It's ~5$ for a small bottle 4 pack. Had one straight. Not bad, a little pricey... I'll save the rest for 'mosquito season'.

Tried the tonic a couple days ago and it was good. One of these small bottles made a nice sized drink when ice cubes and gin was added. Nice slice of lime squeezed into the mix and done deal.

Tiny bubbles, which is a good thing in my book. Only thing I'd prefer would be a little bit of sweetness, which I like in my G&T. I suppose a little simple syrup could be added to the drink if I was so inclined.

The store I found this at had the tonic, ginger ale, and club soda in stock, but sadly was out of the ginger beer. That's one I'd like to sample sometime.

dodgy said:

Tried the tonic a couple days ago and it was good. One of these small bottles made a nice sized drink when ice cubes and gin was added. Nice slice of lime squeezed into the mix and done deal.Tiny bubbles, which is a good thing in my book. Only thing I'd prefer would be a little bit of sweetness, which I like in my G&T. I suppose a little simple syrup could be added to the drink if I was so inclined.


That could be the lime , I actually like using them too because they are more sour than lemons but combined with the Fever Tree tonic makes for a really dry drink.

You could make a lime flavoured sugar syrup, that'd work.
antdad said:
Only thing I'd prefer would be a little bit of sweetness, which I like in my G&T.


That could be the lime , I actually like using them too because they are more sour than lemons but combined with the Fever Tree tonic makes for a really dry drink.

Yeah, describing the drink as too dry for me sounds about right. My choice of wines run along the sweeter lines of.something like an Auslese or maybe a Kabinett. Most reds don't appeal to me much, although there's exceptions to that.

I think having a bit of sugar in the G&T mix helps temper the bitter quinine taste in the Tonic water. Makes it a little more fun to drink somehow.

Before I made the second drink, I sipped some Fever Tree outta the bottle to see what was up drinking it straight. Still seemed to be without a sweet note in there. I do like those tiny bubbles though. Heh, reminded me of Perrier in that way.

I wouldn't have thought to have made that comparison with wine....thanks.

pugh-the-special-one said:
If you think the fever tonic water tastes nice, then wait till you try their ginger beer, it's the best ginger beer i've ever tasted.


Luckily, this store is only a couple miles from me, and I sometimes stop in there anyway to buy some out of the ordinary types of upscale food. The place is a combination gourmet food/ well stocked liquor store, with a very smart woman who does the food items ordering.

Saturday is tasting day.....various wines and beers available to try, plus lots of the food is offered to sample.

Maybe tomorrow I'll see if the ginger beer came in.......

All this talk about these lovely sounding drinks makes me want to try them, but unfortunatley im a Type 1 Diabetic and all these drinks contain sugar, even the Fever Tree "Naturally Light" Tonic has Sugar in it :icon_sad:

Shame as i love Ginger Beer, best i can have is Idris Diet Ginger Beer

Sunburyboy93 said:
All this talk about these lovely sounding drinks makes me want to try them, but unfortunatley im a Type 1 Diabetic and all these drinks contain sugar, even the Fever Tree "Naturally Light" Tonic has Sugar in it :icon_sad:

Shame as i love Ginger Beer, best i can have is Idris Diet Ginger Beer


Hi Steve - sorry to hear that. I can't stand sweeteners so I can imagine it must be doubly annoying. That said, I guess there must be a market for good quality drinks that simply replace the sugar with sweeteners. Too often they use sweetener as it's cheaper than sugar and I guess the other ingredients are similarly downgraded.
Sunburyboy93 said:
All this talk about these lovely sounding drinks makes me want to try them, but unfortunatley im a Type 1 Diabetic and all these drinks contain sugar, even the Fever Tree "Naturally Light" Tonic has Sugar in it :icon_sad:

Shame as i love Ginger Beer, best i can have is Idris Diet Ginger Beer


Steve, Have you tried the Bundaberg Ginger Beer? They do it in diet as well as full fat.


It is one of my favourites.
I've decided I don't like the Fever Tree Tonic water, It seems to lack something in the flavour department, but I'm not sure what.

I gave it a second test last night and still wasn't impressed, I got out the Schweppes after the first glass and it was a great improvement.

I'm glad I don't like it in one respect, it is stupidly expensive.
That'll be the fructose corn syrup your missing...I actually prefer it because it isn't as sickly as Schweppes but then I feel the same about their ginger beer, I want it to be sweeter.
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