favorite crisp

Walkers cheese and onion nothing else is close.

I used to know a guy who worked for them and was involved in researching new flavours, you wouldn't believe some of what they tried.
Kettle Chip Kansas City Barbecue. Shame they don't make them any more.

On the corn side, I'm partial to monster munch or Space Invaders.
Oh yes, Scampi fries! Why are the packs so small, though?

Also would add nice and spicy Nik-naks.

I used to love Smiths chipsticks, too.

Someone should do this as a poll...

EDIT: I just have...
Gingerpose said:
Not for me your inferior reformed potato snacks - when I am in the mood for a proper, tasty, manly snack, I reach for a pack of Pork Scratchings.
Lesser snacks tremble in their very presence:icon_razz::icon_razz:

+1 on the pork scratchings, a local butcher makes his own, sells a very large bag for 50p. Not what the doctor ordered, but very addicitive.
