favorite crisp

north yorkshire
Whats everyones favorite flavour for crisps ? Mines cheese and onion but the wife likes smokey bacon , to be honest i like em all lol the crispier the better , Got myself weaned off chocolate but im a crisp addict .
chrisbell said:
Northam Saint said:
Sensations Sweet Chilli, but all time use to be Bovril which alas you can't get anymore.

Ooh, I forgot about the Sweet Chilli! I also loved the Sensations Cracker things - Peking Spare Rib flavour.

There dangerous. Highly addictive.

Not going to read this thread now. Making me hungry!
Walkers Ready Salted are lovely and simple. I also love Quavers and Skips. And Smiths Square Crisps. Oh, and those fancy Sensations jobbies. Wotsits are very good too.

I really love crisps.
Not for me your inferior reformed potato snacks - when I am in the mood for a proper, tasty, manly snack, I reach for a pack of Pork Scratchings.
Lesser snacks tremble in their very presence:icon_razz::icon_razz:
Hand cooked designer crips can be too thick and too hard so if you don't munch them properly it feels like you swallowed shards of glass.

Walkers cheese & onion.
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