Face lathering

Naked Ape said:
Was surprised at how long (or how little) the bloke in the second video soaked his brush. I was always under the impression that it's best to let your brush soak for a few minutes before starting?

I don't think badger hair absorbs any water so soaking a badger brush for minutes would seem to be a waste of time. I've found no difference in lathering with a badger brush that's been soaked or just running it under the tap in the way this chap does on the video.

It's because badger hair absorbs water so well it is so good for shaving brushes. More likely the reason you don't notice the difference is because it quickly absorbs water running from the tap.
When i used to bowl lather it was always a tiny bit of water at a time, but i find face latherin gives me a much closer and more comfortable shave as it lifts all the hairs.

I stand corrected. I'd read that badger hair didn't absorb water and boar did. But a quick google search seems to confirm your correction Fido. (Should have done that before posting first time around )