Extremely wobbled!

It was the loudest, longest, "FUUUUCK!!!!" I've ever screamed into the wind. Tempered only by the fact that I was shitting myself about having it, I was more than a little disappointed to learn that I am not to have surgery.

After the MRI scan and x-rays, the surgeon has determined that my spine would need work on six or seven levels and then putting back together and held in place with titanium plates and bolts. Six or seven vertebrae locked together would make me very stiff backed, don't you think? Anyway, the risk of leaving me worse off than when he started was too great for him even to offer me the option. Never mind being over-weight and diabetic, it was several vertebrae too far for him.

So no magic wand, no fairy dust, just more of what I've been putting up with for the last year - and deterioration, of course. Oh glee! I've been putting up with it with severe wishful thinking, anticipating an end to it, an improvement, something better. Sheesh! did that bubble burst with a bang!

So now begins the journey of getting accustomed to the idea - nay! the reality that this is what my life is going to be like. Thus the long, loud expletive, followed by chocolate and a lot of snuff.

A buddy was good enough to point out that I had made a wise decision when I embarked on my walk-abouts, opera travels and trips generally "while I'm still young and fit enough". Little did I know!

S'a fucka, innit? I'm only 68 - otherwise in my prime - well, maybe a bit past. And yes, this is an invitation for big R's for Carl - I figure I deserve them!

All together now, one, two, three - R!
Well hell Carl, that's gotta be real disappointing to hear. Jeez, sounds like you at least caught a break by getting a doc who's not willing to do a little experimenting with pushing the envelope. Might be he's got your best interests at heart.

Look, it's bad. I know a little about back pain and how that can be to live with. But it CAN be managed reasonably well most times. I guess tennis is out though and that not getting around part ain't so hot. Painkillers (and snuff) at the right time can be great quality of life medicines, and those will work for you. As you know, there's a lot of physical stuff that painkillers don't touch when it comes to symptom relief.

Carl, I would tell you as a friend it's now a question of readjusting things in your head. Heh, that's another thing......at least you aren't nuts. Well, of course you are, but not in a bad way. Also, you can still use your magical sticks to make strangers do tricks for you.

Give it a few days for the OH SHIT to wear off a bit and meanwhile feel free to bitch.


Oh, speaking of snuff, I saw you're ordering a pound of one type? Sounds like a crazy trip, daddio.
Sorry to hear your news. While not having back problems myself, I do know and did work with a number of people who do. One thing that I know is that treatment techniques are changing so quickly that thing not possible last year are now being done!
My advice is to keep talking to your doctors at your check ups and keep track of the changes on the net.
The positive is that your now on the patients list of all these doctors so your ready to go if anything changes.
Thanks guys! As I understand things, I need one of those medical fix-all hand held buzzer gizmos the Doctor uses in Star Trek - and the NHS is not buying them in yet.

Your are right, Martin - it's a head journey. I figure I have a couple of days wallow time owing before I begin in earnest - it's started already in reality, if only a little bit.

I've done everything I've wanted to in life so far so I don't see why I can't do this journey as well. It certainly looks like a long one so I better get on and take the first step .........
Get kinda tired of picking yourself up just to get knocked down again don't you m8 ! I think you're well due a couple of "Sod it, why me " days before returning to the normal Big Bro B life view of, "Sod it, why not !". I'm guessing that ornery, cantankerous, "prove people wrong" guys like us work through this kinda setback best, It's just such a bugger doing it.

Have the next giant dose of gunpowder snuff before breakfast on me ...

JohnnyO said:
Get kinda tired of picking yourself up just to get knocked down again don't you m8 ! I think you're well due a couple of "Sod it, why me " days before returning to the normal Big Bro B life view of, "Sod it, why not !". I'm guessing that ornery, cantankerous, "prove people wrong" guys like us work through this kinda setback best, It's just such a bugger doing it.

Have the next giant dose of gunpowder snuff before breakfast on me ...


You got it!
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