Exposure to the elements

I'm not an educated man so I figured a few of you on here could clear it up for me.

Boots Shave Stick - stank of sweaty socks when I bought it and I was at a loss to see how anyone involved thought that it was wise to release the thing. It bloody stank.

Now, a few months later when it's got wet and been exposed to the elements a little it's a much lighter smell and dare I say quite fragrant.

Is it a case of me getting used to it or is there a chemical reaction there that is planned for by the manufacturers?
Ideally a manufacturer would stabilise a product to prevent chemical reactions occurring, as with most reactions they have an element of unpredictability and im not sure the manufacturer would comfort this notion.

However, scents such as dragons blood oxidise and darken, however they probably knew this and checked bith pre and post oxidised samples, being an individal case.
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