Excuse me while I use some soldiers' language


THE government will this week launch an attempt to deny soldiers crippled in battle full compensation for their injuries.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) will go to the Court of Appeal on Tuesday to try to slash the compensation awarded to two injured soldiers by up to 70%. If the government wins, it will fuel the mounting disquiet over the relatively paltry payments some soldiers are receiving for lifelong injuries.

The legal action comes as British troops are suffering their heaviest casualties since the beginning of the conflict in Afghanistan in 2001.

Full story:

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Man this aint right is it my nephew is out there at the moment, an at 20 he is
Just a babe, I watch the news of a night and listen to the lads that have lost there
Lives or been hurt and hope he isn't one of the statistics! For the ones that are
Hurt this money is earned its not the same as an industrial injury,they are doin
This for there country, they aint building a car or laying a foundation, they are
Putting themselfs at risk 24/7.
Sorry rant over

i'm still pissed off about the way they've been treating the Gurkhas :evil:


something i didn't know and the rest of you might be the same is that i was always under the impression that the yanks treated their military boys a lot better than we ever have.
the wife was a nanny for a U.S. Lieutenant-Colonel in Germany and she definately agrees, more kit, better facillities, better living quarters etc
but having met some yanks on holiday in Ulster i asked them about this and lo and behold the same's true for the average american soldier, only the officers get proper treatment

i wish the army's top man would just say fuck-it we're coming home unless this happens
they're good enough at doing it when they retire
It never ceases to amaze me how this government will attempt to claim money back from the 'little man' at every opportunity. Without going into the rights and wrongs of our current campaigns overseas I believe the government is treating
serving and ex-servicemen disgracefully. Actually, I believe the UK Govt needs to look long and hard at how it treats it's citizens generally - when you compare us with some of our European neighbours I feel that our Govt are a bunch of arrogant, bureaucratic, uncaring, selfish, narrow minded bastards.
Magicpixie said:
Actually, I believe the UK Govt needs to look long and hard at how it treats it's citizens generally - when you compare us with some of our European neighbours I feel that our Govt are a bunch of arrogant, bureaucratic, uncaring, selfish, narrow minded bastards.

The recent by-election results interested me. From what I could see the voter turnout was very low. There is no alternative in my opinion for people to vote for. No matter how appallingly their MPs may behave, they are all we have on the ballot, and for any new party or independent to break through must be very difficult given the money and reources available to Labour/Conservative/Lib Dem candidates and campaigners. The fact that our MP's are now off on a 12 week recess flabbergasts me. They may claim to be doing 'Constituency work' but what the hell is that? Is it a worthwhile use of time/resources/effort.

I have dealt with MP's offices on a few occassions as a public employee. The people I was dealing with (3 different MPs concerned) were arrogant, rude and bullying, and the issues they were kicking up about on behalf of their constituents were frankly ridiculous, we just gave out the same response that we had already given and the problem was solved. I was left wondering what cloud these people were on.

Our newest MP is 27. Now maybe she has wide ranging experience of life, people, business etc. But I doubt it. What the feck is she going to contribute to democracy?

Unfortunatley ranting is all there is to do, cos I don't see any change coming in the attitude to privilege and entitlement of many of our elected representatives.
i disagree with the view that no matter how fecked off you are with MP's and the system you should still vote

i see no logic in that argument, at the very least it's a mini protest, and to say if you don't vote that counts as one for those in power.
in principle the system we have is sound but massively flawed.

it doesn't matter who you vote for - nothing changes
it's the permanent civil-servants that run the show.

i'm totally apathetic about the whole thing and if the BNP get in, they've only themselves to blame.
free speech for all, so if people want to vote for them, that's fair enough
I do believe in the importance of voting. If you look at the recent elections even in NI there were quite a few candidates on the ballot form. Admittedly it was a bit like the choice between the People's Front of Judea or the Judean Peoples Front however we need to make a concious decision to make our vote and not just for the same old rhetoric and parties.
Magicpixie said:
I do believe in the importance of voting. If you look at the recent elections even in NI there were quite a few candidates on the ballot form. Admittedly it was a bit like the choice between the People's Front of Judea or the Judean Peoples Front however we need to make a concious decision to make our vote and not just for the same old rhetoric and parties.

Fucking splitters! :lol:
Magicpixie said:
I do believe in the importance of voting.

Me too - I believe all should be compelled to attend the vote - whether you positively cast a vote in favour of a candidate or spoil your paper is a matter of choice (there's no need for this fabled "none of the above" box - just spoil the paper - which they show to the election agents - nice way to get a message across to the candidates eh? Imagine the story in Gordon Brown's count "eh, Gordon, there's 30000 papers here all with 'sod off Gordon' written on them")

Right now there are MPs out there (the new body in Norwich North being a case in point) where the winner didn't even get a majority of the votes cast (she got 39%) and a majority of registered voters stayed at home (45% turnout). So the "winner" was elected with (charitably) 18% of the possible vote - that's representative democracy??

We need a change in system and compulsory voting - or we may as well all move to Iran now.
I am pro the idea of a 'none of the above' as it proves beyond doubt that the elector went to the bother of walking to the polling station to actively and intentionally say 'none of the candidates on the ballot deserve my vote'. Candidates at the minute can interperet spoiled votes as being due to mistakes/stupidity by the elector. Having the option would leave them in no doubt, and would be a clearer indication of the thoughts of us proles.

@magicpixie - was it you who drew that big nob with the words "Take That!" on the wall in Cromwell Road behind the University in about 1992? It was still there ten years later. :lol: :lol: :lol:
@Hunny - if only the candidates were made to read it!

@Phil - LOL no, not one of mine. It pales in comparison to the guy who did a 60ft one on the roof of his parents house last year though. :D
philamac said:
Candidates at the minute can interperet spoiled votes as being due to mistakes/stupidity by the elector. Having the option would leave them in no doubt, and would be a clearer indication of the thoughts of us proles.

Believe me - there is no way mine could be construed as an error or stupidity - it takes thought and preparation to write "ALL BOLLOCKS!" across the paper :D - you have to get the writing large and bold enough to cover all of the available space, and the pencils supplied are rarely properly sharpened (maybe in case someone sues because they stabbed themself with it) and up to the job :lol:
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