'Everkeen' razor/stropping handle.

I'm not sure if this belongs here but feel free to move it mods if needs be.
I thought I'd share this flea market find from yesterday, it was hiding in a cabinet looking forlorn and dejected.
A quick wipe down and Polish revealed this very usable item? It's obviously been used as you can serve slight plating loss where it's rubbing on the strop.
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I'm not sure if this belongs here but feel free to move it mods if needs be.
I thought I'd share this flea market find from yesterday, it was hiding in a cabinet looking forlorn and dejected.
A quick wipe down and Polish revealed this very usable item? It's obviously been used as you can serve slight plating loss where it's rubbing on the strop.
View attachment 18367 View attachment 18374 View attachment 18375

It an Old DE Stropping Handle..Here is the Razor..:p

If you're unhinged, mentally that is ... you could use it as a straight! In a word, don't ... but yes, it's for stropping old DE blades. No need with today's blades, but it's a really nice piece of history. The handles are nice enough to pop onto your favourite DEs.
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