Ever ready Single edge

An update: took my time having a shave today (first since I sliced my face up with this razor).
This is a bit of a 'faceplam' moment. In my hungover state and not being familiar with either the blade or the razor, I hadn't loaded it properly. I'd neglected to notice the two small rests at either end of the blade edge. These obviously are where the blade should sit to align and hold it safely. I'd completely missed them, and had the blade hanging out further and (I realise now) probably quite unsecurely, hence the ease with which the claret was spilt.

Definitely a lesson learnt. And one I'm prepared to volunteer to this forum for your amusement!

Upshot is, love the razor, and will get on fine with the blades.

So the blade edge was over the top of, and past those 2 retainers!! Holy shit, no wonder it sliced you :lol: :lol:


Hi there,

Sounds like that razor's a good fit for you, and the shaves will only get better as you know. Heh, plus there's a bunch of different SE models to try, and they all have their charms (from what I've read).

Even though I don't use those types, it doesn't mean I don't have a few laying around the arsenal shelf. The lather catchers sorta intrigue me, but not enough to actually use one. Oh, I wanted to mention your good luck with having both of those blade stops intact. Yeah, sometimes one's missing, which is a bad thing. It's an important point to check for when buying many SE razors.

Thanks dodgy. Yeah, 'luck' is the word. Didn't know or think of the blade stops when bidding, so was a good thing. I had actually bid on two before - both in green bakelite boxes (mine is brown) but they went for a bit more money than I was prepared to spend on something I didn't know.
Gosh NtS, I hate to imagine the red ruin your poor face musta been in ! Glad you mentioned it on the Forum though, as I'll make a point of advising anyone else I chat with who fancies an SE to ensure the blade is correctly aligned. So, your experience has not been in vain (and thankfully not in vein either).

Did anyone else see what I did there .............. Not in vein ??? Eh, eh ???

JohnnyO. :lol:

Yep, I saw that.

    • ... going for the jugular, eh?[/list:u][/list:u]
Best idea is to go to a barbers and have a lesson, we do lessons for £50 for an hour, but I guess most places will

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There are two types of single blade razors the cut throat and the safety razor, both can take single blade disposables, but it's important to try both to see which you are more comfortable using.

Respect...putting that against your face was nothing short of heroic.

I had my first shave with an Ever Ready last night. Best shave I have ever had. No cuts or nicks etc. Tecnique a bit different to DE and as sunbury says, take your time.